Harlem with Delancey------Esther

Start from the beginning

"Let's go before Morris comes back." He whispers to me and carries me out of the alley.

"But why are you doing this?"


"Saving me." He looks at me with a sad look on his face.

"Cause I got nothing against you....and if I were to be honest, I only target you cause my brother tells me to." He lays me down and he removes my bag from my shoulder. He sits down next to me.

"Since you can't walk, I'll sell for you today. I'll give you the money when I'm done, I promise."

"No. I may not be able to sell, but you keep the money."

"Kelly, you need to eat, something most of the newsies don't." I try to take my bag but raises it above my head. I reach for it and almost grab it but he moves it to the left. He grins playfully and takes the papers out of my bag and hands my bag back. I give him an odd look.

"So I don't raise suspicion. You're the only newsie who has a gray bag." I smile and hesitate before I lay my head on his chest. His hand snaked into mine and I squeezed it. No one really pays attention to me except Jack, Crutchie, and Race. Having another person talking to me feels great.

"Tell me a story." He stares up to the sky.


"Tell me a story. Your story."

"It ain't a happy one."


After my parents were killed, I was tossed on the streets. I was left with no choice but thievery. I was an expert pickpocketer and every night, I would stop at Jacobi's Deli. Jacobi was an old family friend, so when he heard the news, he let me have free meals there, but I didn't like being the charity chase kid. One day, an old man was passing by. His pockets were filled with nickels and you could hear them as he walked by. I snuck up behind him and reached into his pocket. I pulled out a few nickels, but as I turned to leave, he turned around and grabbed my arms. I struggled but didn't win. The man kept yelling for a man named Snyder. All the people around gave me looks that said I feel so sorry for you. Finally a man dressed in all black arrives on horseback and approaches with three men who step out of a massive black carriage. The men roughly escorted me into the carriage. The ride was a long one but I didn't mind. I had lots to think about. Where was I going? Who is this Snyder? We approached a large building with a sign that read: The Refuge. The three men dragged me inside and led me through multiple dark rooms with one or no candles as the only light source. He opened the door to a room filled with children of all ages. The rooms were filled with bunks and triple beds. The children were dirty and most of them silent as the men shoved me to floor and locked the door. A furry squeaking flash bolted past me and I shrieked. I saw a girl smile at me from a corner. I slowly walk over to her. She had thick curly red hair and dull green eyes. Freckles covered her face. Her faded blue dress was covered with grime and was torn in multiple places. Her name was Ivy Carter. We became good friends but The Refuge was a frightening thing for a 9 year old. Eight years. I spent eight long, miserable years here, being abused and neglected. Finally, I had had enough. I made an escape plan. I crept out through a window into the next room which was a dark hallway with one candle. I made it outside but then I realized I had a problem. Where would I go? I sat on the steps and cried as hard as I could. A tap on my shoulder snapped out of it. I looked up to find a boy about the same age as me. He had a warm smile and bright blue eyes. He wore a gray cap and a brownish black vest over a light blue dress shirt. His pants were gray like his cap. His face and hands were streaked with dirt, dust, and sweat. He asked my name and I told him. Esther Marget Addamson. He introduced himself as Jack Kelly. He asked if I was lost and I nodded. He asked where I came from. I point to the large, intimidating building behind me. Jack's face fell and he wrapped his arms around me. He whispered to me that he was going to take me far, far away from this place. I walked for what seemed like forever until we reached a building. This building was nothing like The Refuge. This place had windows and looked very inviting. Jack led me inside and lit a kerosene lamp. It revealed boys all asleep except for one, who was smoking a cigar. This kid told me he was named Racetrack but I could call him Race. All the other boys heard the commotion and started to stir. They all stared in awe at me and all came down to meet me. I smiled at Jack, who grinned. He then took a blanket and led on the the roof. The moon looked so pretty from up here. He wrapped the blanket around my shoulders and told me he had a deal to offer. He told me the boys down there were called newsies and they sold papers. He also told me they're like family. He told I could be part of that family and be one too if I wanted. I said I would love to and hugged Jack. He asked me if I had any brothers. I said no. He offered me another deal. If I wanted, I could call him my brother and I could use his last name. But only if I wanted. I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. I fell asleep and that next morning when Race and Jack told me everything I needed to know. I've been a newsie ever since.


"Wow." I look up at Oscar. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I snuggle closer to him.

"I told you it wasn't happy."

The clock struck noon and Oscar helps me up. I am able to walk now but I don't want to leave.



"Thanks." We lean closer and closer together until our lips make contact. I close my eyes and place my hands on his shoulders. We pull away.

"I always envisioned my first kiss in a totally different setup. But I like this better."

He laughed. "Do you still want me to sell?"

"Let's split it down the middle. 25 papes each." We separated the papers and looked passionately into each other's eyes.

"Can I have my first second kiss before we leave?"

"Of course." Our lips lock once more and his hands fall on my waist. I grip his shoulders tighter. We smile at each other for a brief moment.

"We should meet tonight! At The Distribution Center!"

"Kelly, what if Jack finds out?"

"That's the thing. I'll make sure he won't." We nod and then go our seperate ways.

Extra, Extra! (A Newsies fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now