"Oh I don't know. We don't know each other really that well."

Jess scoffed. "I mean you're a virgin and all but isn't your mate pull supposed to make you guys like all horny and stuff? War definitely smells like he wants to fuck you. He's probably like a machine. Girl let loose and get some orgasms from that hunk of a man."

Pom wanted to take a shovel, dig a hole and sit in it. She wasn't naive to the fact of how to...reproduce. Or how things worked. The priestess gave clear instructions of what they were missing out if. List, physical want, motherhood. Now all of this stuff was being presented to her on a silver platter and she didn't really know what to do with all that information...

"I-I'm not to keen on physical aspects. I would like to get to know him for his personality," Pomelia explained to the woman as she laughed. She enjoyed the accidental kisses War gave her but she was sure she didn't want any other physical contact from the man. It was nice to be held by him also but she definitely was not ready to be naked in front of him. Or let him touch her...

"Oh you'll be saying that till your heat comes. When's your birthday?!" Jess pried as Pomelia suddenly froze. Heat. Heat! She completely forgot about heat. A moment of fear washed over her, before it was quickly sopped up with logic and reasoning.

Pom began to dry the dishes she just washed. "I can speak with the pack doctor and get heat suppressant pills. So it'll be okay."

Jess made a face and Pom wondered why. Heat suppressant pills were amazing! All of the novices and priestesses back home took them. "Oh those types of pills are banned here. It can cause birth defects in pups so Khan says no."

The terrible feeling as if someone threw a bucket of water at, had Pom staring at Jess in a shocked manner. That couldn't be true. Pom never experienced a real 'heat.' It wasn't something she wanted to experience. "B-but what am I supposed to do?!" She asked in a distraught manner, holding the plate she was drying close against her chest in fear.

"You can ride it out I guess. It's painful as hell honestly. Heat lasts for what? Five to seven days. I lasted two days once but ugh. I couldn't keep any food down, I cried a lot. Pain in your abdomen and pussy. It's terrible," Jess explained, cringing while talking about it. "So when's your birthday again?"

The sudden feeling of sickness washed over her. Her pain tolerance was low. She didn't like to get hurt because it hurt too much! Now she was going to have to ride out stabbing pains and loss of appetite. "I...it's in two months," she said nervously as she watched Jess swipe another waffle off the plate. "I don't think I'll be able to handle all that pain."

"Well duh most can't. That's what daddy war bucks is for. He'll provide you sex and then food after he fucks your little brains out. It'll be so cute to see you guys go through a heat together. You can really tell who's a strong male through heat. Khan is the only man to satisfy me and provide for me around that time," Jess explained as her smile disappeared and she set her waffle down on the table.

"What's wrong babes? You look petrified."

Because she was! "I...I never had to think about any of this. Ever. It's like I was trained to swim all of my life only to realize I'm supposed to be on land!" Pom had been raised by priestesses. Becoming one of them wasn't a question it was the answer. The only answer. Now all of the sudden her question of life had multiple correct answers not just one.

Jess grabbed at the poor plate that Pom held onto tightly. "You'll be fine. If you're nervous just talk to War about it when he gets back."

She was right. She could talk to War. "I can tell him that I don't want to be intimate no matter how terribly I beg," Pom smiled at the woman as Jess frowned.

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