Amanda scoffs at being called a bitch.

Mark: "Alright, get the fuck out then!"

Abramovici closes the door only for it to fall to the floor. He laughs and walks away.

Mark: "Don't listen to him. I gotta go."

He puts his clothes back on and grabs his rifle.

Amanda: "We'll continue when you come back right?"

Mark: "Definitely. That's if Jasmine doesn't come back early."

Amanda: "Okay."

He kisses her one last time before he leaves the house. He looks around for Abramovici but doesn't see him anywhere.

Mark: "Where's this fucking ogre?" He says to himself.

He sees a Jeep truck driving to the gates of the community. Mark sees Abramovici inside the truck and goes over to it. He enters the truck and sets his rifle on the floor.

Mark: "Where are we going?"

Abramovici: "North. Lily said there are communities up there. She wants us to check for pests from school."

Mark: [sigh] "This should be fun."

Abramovici starts driving and Mark puts his feet up on the dashboard.

Abramovici: "Take your feet off the dash."

Mark doesn't listen so Abramovici slaps his feet down.

Mark: "Asshole."

Abramovici steps on the brakes and causes Mark to collide with the dashboard.

Mark: "What the fuck?!" He says holding his head.

Abramovici: "Put on seatbelt."

Mark: "You don't even have yours on jackass!"

Abramovici: "I do not fit in it."

Mark: "Maybe you should start eating less."

Abramovici: "Please, this is all muscle. Take your own advice. You're fat with small dick and no muscle."

He says as he taps Mark's stomach and laughs. Mark quickly slaps his hand away.

Mark: "Eat shit. You brag about your muscles because you're compensating for something else."

Abramovici: "Compensating? Abramovici has dominated many women in his time in the land of mother Russia! They did not stand a chance."

Mark: "Yeah, right. I think Lily has bigger balls than you."

Abramovici: "I think your girlfriend Jasmine has bigger dick than you." He says as he loudly laughs.

Mark: "Shut the fuck up."

Abramovici: "And you have bigger pussy because you cheat-"

Mark: "Vici, shut the fuck up!"

Abramovici starts laughing his ass off while Mark tries so hard to ignore him. Mark closes his eyes and falls asleep.

After thirty minutes, Mark was still asleep. Abramovici back hands him on the chest and Mark wakes up while holding his chest in pain.

Mark: "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Abramovici: "We're almost there."

Mark sees that they are driving in some woods on a dirt trail. Out of nowhere, a deer runs in front of the truck causing Abramovici to hit the deer, swerve, and crash into a tree.

Clementine and Male Reader: Betrayal Where stories live. Discover now