Chapter 19

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"What happened?"  Katie looked at me while I was watching her reaction.  "This," pointing around my room, "was the result from my eye."  She started to walk around and bent down when she found something.  She picked up a broken picture frame and showed it to me.  It was a picture of me and Katie smiling during our freshman orientation.  Feeling guilty I walked over and took it from her, "You know I didn't mean to smash this."  She nodded but I could tell it hurt her a little bit.  I set it down on my bed and held her face in my hands.  "I swear to you baby this was not on purpose.  I care about you more then I do myself.  I was so angry I didn't know what I was doing that day."  She looked into my eyes and I knew she could tell that I was speaking honestly.  She took my hands off my face and then looked at my mirror gasping.  "You punched that didn't you."  I involuntarily ran a finger over my cuts, "Yeah."  She looked around and said, "Are you going to clean?"  I shrugged because honestly I was hoping to move out into an apartment I found by Landon.  Katie didn't know about the apartment and I was planning a surprise for her involving that.  "I guess I could start picking up everything."  I started going around getting the pictures out of frames and my clothes into a pile on my bed.  Katie started helping as well and in about an hour all that was left was glass, frames, paper, and parts of my mirror on the floor.  "Thanks for the help baby."  She smiled and walked over to me wrapping her arms around my waist in a hug.  I wrapped my arms around her neck and her lower back pulling her close to me.  I kissed the top of her head and enjoyed the warmth coming off her body.  "Babe?"  I hummed against her head showing I was listening.  "How long are you going to stay in this house for?"  Not much longer.  "I'm not sure."  She pulled her head from my chest and looked up at me, "I don't want you staying here anymore.  And I have been thinking this ever since you told the group what was happening here.  I mean look what happened to your eye, or your back and stomach.  It's not safe here Vi."  I nodded and saw concern in her eyes, "I know baby I know." 

I lightly kissed her forehead and then an idea came through my mind.  "Come on let's go I have an idea."  Confusion took over her face and I smiled grabbing her hand taking her over to the window to climb out.  In the car I didn't say anything but I could tell Katie really wanted to know.  To try and calm down her curiosity I brought our connected hands up to my mouth to kiss the back of her hand, "Almost there baby."  Katie started to fidget in her seat when she realized where we were going.  "Oh God I missed the beach."  I smiled and parked the car in the secluded parking lot from last time.  I got out of the car without my shoes and waited for Katie at the front of the car.  She walked around and I noticed she also didn't have her shoes on.  I smiled and offered my hand for her to take.  When she intertwined our fingers I started to lead us to the water.  I took a deep breath when I felt the breeze from the ocean.  Katie got closer to me by wrapping around my arm like a koala.  She makes me forget all my problems.  Katie is the drug I never want to give up.  I am so in love with her.  Oh my gosh I am in love.  My eyes widened in shock to my thoughts and looked over at Katie who was looking at the water.  I should tell her.  I suddenly got this warm feeling all over my body that only seemed to heat up from the hold Katie had on my arm.  I hadn't realized I started crying until I felt a tear fall.  Apparently Katie felt the tear because she looked up and me and immediately started to wipe my tears away.  "Babe why are you crying?"  I couldn't say anything all I could focus on was everything about Katie.  Her soft lips that I have kissed, her flawless skin so smooth and soft to hold, her perfect nose, her amazing brown eyes that could light up a whole room, and just everything about her that was amazing.  "Baby talk to me please, you are worring me."  The tears wouldn't stop and Katie cupped my cheeks and repeatedly kissed them hoping it would help.  How did I manage to get the perfect girl?  I am so fucking lucky.  I put my hands over hers on my cheeks and looked into her eyes.  "Katie I-I am s-so in..."  I stopped talking for a second and Katie said, "You what Vi?"  I opened my eyes showing the most passion you could ever think of and said, "Katie I am in love with you so much my heart hurts."  Suddenly Katie started crying and I started panicking thinking it was too soon. 

"Oh my gosh baby you don't have to say anything back I just thought..."  I was cut off the best way I could of, by Katie's lips.  "I am so in love with you too Violet.  You have no idea."  We were both crying with smiles on our faces happy that we just confessed our love for each other.  After our confession we ended up sitting on the sand watching the sun go under the horizon.  Katie had her head on my shoulder and her arms were wrapped around my waist.  My head was leaning against hers and my right arm was over her shoulders while my left was holding us up.  "This is like a dream.  I can't believe that this is real but I hope this isn't a dream.  Because if it is, I don't want to wake up."  Katie lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me with love in her eyes, "Believe it because it's real.  And I am so happy I finally have you."  I smiled widely and my gaze went from her eyes to her lips.  And I quickly leaned in to kiss her.  She smiled and said right before our lips touched, "I don't want to wake up either."  Our lips met in a slow kiss that showed the love that we have for each other.  My gosh I love this girl.  Once the kiss broke I stood up and offered my hand to Katie, "Come on it's going to get cold soon.  We should be getting back."  Katie sighed and grabbed my hand helping her off the ground, "Do we have to?"  I laughed and wrapped an arm around her waist, "Yes we do."  I kissed her cheek and walked us back over to my car.  Getting in I started the drive back to Katie's house to drop her off.  When I parked the car in her driveway Katie turned over at me and noticed I didn't turn off the car, "Are you coming in?"  I shook my head and immediately Katie's smile dropped.  "Don't tell me you're going back to that house Violet.  I don't want you going back there."  She reached over and grabbed my hand, "Please Violet come inside and let's go to sleep."  Her eyes showed sadness and I couldn't resist, "Okay, okay let's go inside."  She let out a breath of relief and I turned off the car getting out.  I went around the front of the car and took Katie's outstretched hand.  By the time we got to Katie's room I felt exhausted.  I fell onto her bed face first and heard her laugh behind me.  I rolled onto my back and looked over at her who was stripping to change into her pjs.  I whistled and Katie laughed turning around without a shirt and pants.  "Enjoying the view?"  She smirked and walked over to me slowly.  I bit my lip continued to lay down with my hands under my head. 

She climbed on top of me and sat on my stomach while her hands were pressed on my shoulders.  "Hey there."  I smiled and replied, "Hey babe.  I love you."  Her face broke out in a wide grin and she leaned down to kiss me breaking all the sexual tension and replacing it with love.  She pulled away after a couple minutes and looked into my eyes, "I love you so much Violet."  I took my hands out from under me and grabbed her waist lightly rubbing the skin.  "I love you too now change into some clothes so we can cuddle."  She laughed and got off of me walking back to her dresser.  I reached quickly and lightly slapped her right butt cheek making her turn around and give me a playful glare.  I simply smiled and stood up to change into something more comfortable.  After deciding I was only going to wear a big t-shirt and my underwear to sleep I crawled into bed and waited for Katie to crawl in.  I laid on my back and looked up at the ceiling thinking about what jobs I could possibly get that was around the apartment.  A coffee shop?  I think there is a book store which I wouldn't mind... I felt a hand glide across my stomach and then Katie's head rested on my shoulder close to my neck which knocked me out of my thoughts.  I intertwined our fingers on my stomach and put my other arm around her bringing her closer.  "What are you thinking about baby?"  I can't ruin the surprise yet.  Quick think of something.  I took a deep breath and said, "You."  I felt her smile and moved her head closer to my neck so her forehead was touching.  "It's too late to be making me blush Vi.  I am too tired."  I chuckled and kissed the top of her head, "Go to sleep Kat.  I am going to follow right after you."  I felt her puff out breaths against my neck and I knew she was already asleep.  I leaned my head against hers and reached to turn off the light trying my best not to move Katie.  Sleep overcame me and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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