Chapter 4: drunk secrets

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"Sorry works when a mistake is made, but not when trust is broken. So in life make mistakes but never break trust."


So there is something worst than dying. Feeling like your dying. I have the worst hangover in the world.

"I think I got alcohol poisoning," I say before throwing up on the side of Marcus's bed.

"Your cleaning that up," he said not even paying attention to me on the other side of the bed. All I could do was throw up in response. He got up and went out of the room. After a few mins, he came back with some water and medicine.

"Drink" he commands I take it trying not to throw it back up. Surprisingly, Marcus was cleaning up my puke but, he still had an attitude.

"What's your problem," I asked he looked at me angrily.

"You wanna know what my problem is," he asks point at himself "it's that my best friend has to be drunk to tell me her big secret. When were you going to tell me that you killed my dog" he asks making my once pounding heart relax " I would have been hurt but, it hurts more that you keep it away from me so long ...are we friends? Do you even like being around me?" he asks with watery eyes breaking my heart at what I have done. Marcus is tuff but he also very emotional. Maybe because everyone he knows always ends up using him or leaving him from parents to girlfriends. That why I couldn't bear tell him that I took something close to him away but now I see all I did was make him feel as his dog left him also. I'm a shit friend.

"I'm so sorry Marcus," I say hugging him. He hugs me back tightly. The only way to make this right is, to be honest. Marcus always has my back time I stop turning it on him. "I didn't tell you cause I thought I would hurt you worst and you would hate me I should have told you the truth I'm sorry Marcus" he looks me in the eye and shakes his head as if he was saying I forgive you.

" that's all," he asks

"What?" I ask confused

"Is that all your keeping from me?" he asks with a look in his eye that told me he knew the answer already. This my chance to come clean.

"I'm dying," I say slowly. The words felt numb coming out of my mouth. Marcus stumbles back.

"You're leaving me," he says slowly to self before he breakdown crying clearly that was the last straw for him holding his tears away. Maybe this was the wrong decision but it was the only one. I go hug him making his body stiffen.

" I would never leave you cause you are the best friend a girl can ask for. Your one of the reason I haven't thrown in the towel. I'm still looking for an impossible donor to pop up. That's why I didn't tell you because I'm selfish and I want you still at my side till the last moments" he hugs me back

" you lucky I love you, stupid bitch. Get dress we have school" I laugh and tried to stand up falling into my puke. "Karma works magic," he said to a puked covered me. Great!


After cleaning up the puke and me. I went home to get clothes and talked to my mom. She was cool with everything cause I was maybe dying. That was one thing I did love about dying. Today I decided to wear a huge t-shirt and shorts since I am in a hurry. When I go to school usually everyone ignores me while talking to Marcus or even Olivia. But today as I making it to Marcus random people is waving at me and saying hey. What the actual fuck. When I saw Marcus I let my breath out. Thank God.

"Hey, you," he said turning to walk me to class.

"Hey... do you know why everyone talking to me," I ask since he is somewhat in the popular loop.

"Oh, probably because there is a rumor going around that you and Travis are talking." He said calmly.

"How the hell they get that idea all we did was play a game"

" oh, I must have forgotten to tell you that you were all over him last night, and you and he made a spitty hand promise that y'all will spend the night together," he says smirking.

" how do you forget that," I ask throwing my hands in the air.

" same what you forget which paddle is the breaks when you hit my dog," he said making me narrow my eyes at him. Before I can say something mean. I collide into someone. I look up to see no one else but the devil himself. Travis. Damn did he look this good yesterday? Well maybe I didn't notice cause I wasn't this close drooling over him ... this is embarrassing.

"So it's not the alcohol your just a touchy person. Mmh I like it" he said with a voice like dark chocolate just rich and yummy. That's when I notice my hands on his chest. Omg was I just rubbing on him. That's when I hear Marcus laughing. He would be laughing at my agony.

"I uh got to go," I said

"Well let me walk you to class," he said simply

"Uh, Marcus is walking me," I said clutching his arm and kissing his cheek. This makes Travis pretty green eyes blacken and his arm tenses. Marcus' body tenses under my arm.

"Sorry Summer I love you but, I will not jeopardize my life to make him jealous" he murmur before saying out loud "it's okay I got to go see my girlfriend anyways" I can't believe him for putting me on the hot seat.

"Fine go with you fake girlfriend scary cat," I say before stumping to my class followed by a Travis.

" I hope that's not your type because I'm a dominant man," he stated making my eyebrows shoot up.

" and what does that mean"

"It means I never yield. I claim what I want and once it's mines. Well, it's mines" my body shivers at the sensation his words give me. I can't believe I'm turned on right now. That was so toxic. Literally, every word out his mouth sounded like ... like something that shouldn't turn you on. But unlike Marcus, I won't satisfy him to say he dominated me.

"And what if what you want don't want you," I say looking at him hard as I can.

He smiled and touched my cheek.

"She does more than she wants to admit... I guess she trying to be different from the other girls" he said so cocky and certain of himself "but good thing I do relish a good chase"

I open the door to my classroom and turn around to look at him.

"Don't chase someone you can't catch it makes you look desperate," I say feeling like I hit him where it hurts.

"Good thing she already promised me a night," he said shaking his hand that I'm pretty sure I wiped my spit on ew.

I suck at this flirting arguing shit.

"Fuck you," I say rolling my eyes closing the door

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