His First Mission Part 2

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Deku's P.O.V:

We walked into the building undetected, we stayed silent in case there were any pro heroes here. We walked through the halls searching through every room and checking the corners to make sure there weren't any pros. When we reached a room that said 'staff only' I crept into the room and saw multiple file cabinets. I quickly looked around the room with my small night vision goggles to see if there was anyone in there.

Although when I looked toward the corner of the room I saw a figure crouched in the corner of the room sorting through files. I quietly closed the door and stalked over to the person. On closer inspection, I saw that they were a hero, so I pulled out a cloth that was pre-coated in fluorophore and quickly put it over his mouth. 

He squirmed and tried to kick me off but before he gave up and fell to the floor. His eyes sealed shut with a loud thump, I kicked him to make sure that he was down before strapping him against a pole that was near the edge of the room. 

After tying him up I called Tomura and Dabi into the room to help me search.  We searched for about 5 minutes before I found the files that we were looking for.  Calling for the other two we quickly copied the information and made our way quietly through the school again. 

Once we were outside of the school we creeped out the gate and I made sure to fix the cameras before leaving. We left the scene quickly and acted as if nothing had ever happened. It was a quick walk back home aside from the fact that it was dark it was peaceful and smooth.

~time skip~

When we arrived back home we went straight to Dad to give him the information. Along the way, Dabi kept teasing Sigaraki and I was just hoping that they would stop.

"Can you guys stop flirting in front of me? Thanks!" I said waltzing past both and through the door leading to Dad. I could hear Tomura stuttering and Dabi was coughing. I could tell both had a blush. 

"Dad we go the notes on the new students. Well, not all but we did get the information of all the students who will be in class 1-A." I said handing him the device in my hand that helps our info. I also handed him my book which had a few things written it. 

"There are also some other pieces of info in the book that seemed important." He nodded and congratulated me on my first mission and would do a group call in the main room when he's decided on something. I nodded before walking back out of the room only to give a blank face to Dabi and Shigaraki, who are still blushing, but their hands were intertwined.

"Can you guys get a room or something?" I said lazily walking past them yet again. Walking into the main room I walked toward Kurogiri.

"Hey, Kurogiri do you know where my mum is?"

 "Ah yes, she is in her room. She wanted me to tell you to go and see her when you came back. She wanted to talk to you about something?" He said glass and cloth in hand as he whipped it clean. 

"Thanks, Kurogiri!" I said before walking back out and heading to my mum's room. I knocked on the door before my mum opened it.

"Oh Izuku your back!!" she exclaimed. Although she is a villain in the making she is still very caring and kind. 

"Yes mum I'm back, also Shig and Dabi are flirting with each other. I swear when are they going to start dating?" I said rolling my eyes, Mum just chuckled letting me in. I sat on her bed as she sat next to me. 

"Now what is it you wanted to tell me, Mum?" I asked looking at her, her hand immediately turned into a fist before it collided with her palm.

"Ah yes, I have been permitted to help train you. Believe it or not, I have good control over my quirk and practice it regularly without you knowing. After I had originally learned about you having no quirk I knew in my heart that I had to protect you so I train myself to become stronger so I could do just that. But now you have a quirk so you can protect yourself. Now your father asked me to talk to you about which one of your quirks you want as a major one or "the main" one that you will be using. once you decided then we will begin your training. Once you have trained for long enough you can then choose your villain name and we can design your costume. once it's all done you can go and do REAL missions with others and without!!" Mum explained her enthusiasm at the end was great. Hearing the news about Mum's quirk and her training made me happy and shocked.

"Okay well, it's late and I'm rather tired I think about it overnight. If I haven't decided by tomorrow I'll tell you when I've decided. Is that alright Mother?" She nodded her head in return and I got up and left for my room.

When I got in I quickly changed out of my clothes and into some comfy PJ's and climbed into my soft and warm bed. 

'I wonder which one of the quirks I should decide on. I guess I'll list all the ones I know of and go from there.' with that thought I drifted off to sleep but not before hearing Dabi and Shigaraki walk past my door and further down the hall.

word count:969

A/N: Hey guys do you mind giving me some options on what Izuku's main quirk should be I'm sorry to those who don't ship Dabi and Shigaraki. I am a multi-shipper and if there are any more ships you want to see that exclude Dabi, shigaraki, Bakugou, and Izuku that is I'll be happy to add them to the story.

Next chapter we'll see what Bakugou is up to.

Bakugo: did you seriously forget about me!!

Me: No.... *sweatdrops*


Me: *runs away from Bakugo screaming and trying not to die*


Me: *runs and hides behind Izuku* please save me from the angry Pomeranian.


*More screaming from the author and yelling from both bakugo and Izuku*

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