Chapter 11 - "exam is in three weeks"

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Miss Lovelyn continued. "Now I want you all to imagine your life as a battle and this world as your arena because that's how it is sadly. So how are you going to overcome that battle? Obstacles rising from everywhere, problems arising as well so let me tell you how to overcome such. Don't fight them but use them rather. Turn your weakness to your strength; nothing should be considered a barrier but a breakthrough to greater heights and higher levels. So never, I repeat never for one repulse, give up any purpose that you resolved to effect because life doesn't get easier it just get stronger. Also remember that to face any darkness your heart must be pure. Do everything and anything with good conditions. So never let any problem way you down because I strongly believe every problem has its expiry date as well as its own resolve so keep calm. And let me add don't let dreams just be your dreams, work towards them because I strongly believe that there is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can hinder the frame of a determined soul. So play your role, do was has to be done. Let me end by saying correct a fool and he will hate you, correct a wise person and he will appreciate you. So I'm ready to hear your applause anytime."

After she concluded with that being her last statement, the sounds of thunderous claps tookover and filled the hall, even I was touched.

"Well I have to give it to her; she had my attention all along from the beginning." Beatrice said.

"I know right". Richard concluded.

"She sounded fulfilling and proficient". I had to comment.

Miss lovleyn after a short while had somrthing to add. "please you guys should read to clear your papers so you would leave high school to college. I heard that your exams is in three weeks time so work hard. Place your exams as your top priority. Anyway like I said I knew you kids would enjoy it but what can I say its my profession. I wont be leaving the school premises back to London, not until after your final exams is over so we could tackle any challenge that approaches you. Im aways here for anybody so if you have any question you want to ask you can find me in the councellor's ofice. The councellor is currently unwell so I have been asked to take his place for the mean time hopefully by next week she will be back on her two feet. I used most of our time so I'm afraid they is any time left to spare for open questions so as to make her more lively than it already is. So goodbye thanks for giving me the opportunity to speak to you all. Sir George would like to take the other classes on their own seminar.

Mrs lovleyn then left the hall then we left giving way for the other students to come in and sit to have their own share of the cake. Looks like there is nothing for me or anyone to do. The teacher seemed to be having a meeting. Whatelse could we do except to pack our bags and leave to our varios houses. after all I'm glad today is Friday.

My world and ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon