Chapter 10 - the seminar

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"looks like they organized a seminar for us final year students". Richard pointed out but that wasn't what he was supposed to say considering the fact we have seen or even talked to each other in a long while.

"you fool where have you been". I said staring at him looking profound.

"relax I've been around, wll sinse the day before yesterday, but what about you I heard you've been coming but all of a sudden you missed two consecutive days which happen to fall on my own day of coming." Richard concluded trying to turn the tables on me.

"its nothing just had to take care of something at home and don't even turn the tables on me young man you didn't call atleast". I said.

"phone broke so ...".

"please be quite our wonderful final year kings and queens of Dortmund high school". Mrs. Rachael interrupts our conversation with the microphone. We clap a little then she continues. "I want to introduce you all to two distinguished guests that came all the way from London to here in the United States to talk to you teenagers. You can call them councilors or motivational speakers but the important thing is learning from what they have to deliver. I'll be leaving you guys along with the other staffs here so that you guys can be free and make this seminar interactive". Then she completes her sentence looking at the guest smiling. "I hope I'm leaving my children in good hands". The guests smiled back at Mrs. Rachael clearly showing she has nothing to worry about. "Ok bye, be on your best behavior." She concludes as she left the hall and other staffs followed her lead. Then the speaker stands up to give her introduction.

"Something tells me this is going to be a long and boring day." Beatrice whispered to my hearing and I kind of agreed with her.

"Goodday kids, my name are Miss lovelyn Rivers and my partner's name is Sir George. You have all heard the rest from your school director. The only thing I can assure you is that I'm promising to make this seminar very interesting and believe me when I say it because I mean it. And of course you all have to play along. Be interactive and keep a smiley face. Now let me start by saying growing up taught to mend my own heart whenever broken, how to pick myself back up whenever I fall, how to cope without people you thought would be in your life for a long time. I also understood that nobody is really down for you; you just got to do shit yourself, nobody can put you back on your own feet except yourself. Yes I knew all this but I knew it the hard way because I had no one to tell me about life. Experience they say is the best teacher but let me tell you it's also a cruel and wicked teacher and I won't want you adorable teenagers to shed the amount of tears I did. That's why I'm here to tell you the truth which the facts that life is a beautiful melody but its lyrics are messed up.

"I like where this is going" Richard said.

"I agree as well". I said looking carried away by her profound charisma.

"Still going to be boring" said Beatrice being optimistic.

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