Where You're Meant To Be- Larry Stylinson

Comenzar desde el principio

But he wasn't and it had and the whisper sure it shoved that down my throat.




"Mr. Jeffery," he greeted. I scoffed, making sure that every one of them saw. "I'm glad you could join us. This should only take a few short minutes, then you'll be off. I promise."

I muttered a swear under my breath, making one of the women to my far right shoot me a hard glare.


I had been at that same round table many times before. Not the exact one, actually, but one thousands of miles away. Along with everything else. 

To rephrase, I had been at an identically round, pathetic, and dark wood table many times before.

"How are you feeling this morning, better?" Simon's hands were folded over one another. His eyes were dark, though anyone could have been fooled by the concerned facade his voice portrayed. 

"Describe better."

His chuckle was dry and bitter and slapped me across the face as his shoulders moved up and down.

"That's the spirit. See, Rose, he's already spitting jokes." He nudged the lady that was seated next to him. She slurred her own laugh into a grim smirk.

"Shall we get on with it?" I pushed. I was due to blow up at any moment and I could feel a pressure rising in my veins with fury.

"Right." Their haughty banter subsided, "we have found a place for you a few miles east from here in the suburbs."


"Here is the list of people who are aware that you, Mr. SHANE JEFFERY, are coming." He slid a paper with a short list of five or ten names across to me. It held no importance to me. This entire god damn LIFE held no importance to me. But I took the list nonetheless and pretended to look through it.

"You'll see there, at the top, Ms. Sara Jordan. She was your neighbor for three years while you still lived in an apartment in downtown L.A." I found her name at the top as he'd said, "Flip to the back, there should be a picture." I did and there was and she was pretty but nothing special, "After you moved out from that apartment, you got a flat on the other end of the city, and coincidentally met her at a bar a few months later.

"She is the one who scored you the job at Lincoln Fresh. Said you were 'perfect for the job.'" Oh, "You tell everybody that you owe everything to her, that she is like a sister to you." 

I scratched my head, maybe out of frustration but maybe out of confusion, "So I'm not dating her?" 

"God, no. She moved in with her boyfriend, Brad, last month. He's second on the list. And your best friend. You all live in a suburban duplex." I made a face. I didn't know these people and I didn't care to know these people. What I cared to know is why they were going through such a fuss to keep me a secret. Thought I already knew.

"Brad Jackson. You'll be meeting up with him tonight for beers, I presume." Simon took a long sip from his water cup, taking the time to smack his lips before continuing, "I imagine that he is prepared to introduce you to the rest of these names."

"What, so you're just throwing me into some new life? Expecting BRAD JACKSON to be some sort of bloody mentor?" My voice was raised, and Simon lifted a hand to shut me up.

"You can ask him your questions when you get home."

"Home? The fucking hell do you think you're saying to me?!" I stood up quickly, making my chair grind loudly on the tiled floor.

"Hector is waiting to drive you. He's downstairs. Glad you could make it, Shane."

He wasn't glad I could make it. None of the silent onlookers who were taking notes around the table were glad I could make it. No one was even glad I was alive.

"It's Louis." I shot as I walked out the door, swinging it to slam shut on my way out. 


Hey everyone! It's me, Britt:) I want to send the most sincere thank you to everyone who has read my stories. I promise this is the last one :-) Please please PLEASE tell me what you think of this prologue! It would mean the WORLD to me, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart :) 'm waiting a while before uploading the rest because a) i haven't wrote it yet and b) I want to build suspense!!!  i hope you enjoy xo


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