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jack } nov. 20th } 710 days before

"pink or white dahlias sir?" the small asian lady asked holding up two bundles of flowers.

"i'll have the pink ones, thanks." she snipped off the edges of the small bouquet of pink dahlias and fastened them with a tie.

the lady handed me the bundle of flowers and i handed her a wad of cash. i thanked her and exited the small flower shop to my used honda civic.


i got out of my car and firmly slammed the door. i straightened my blue button down, rearranged the pink dahlias and took a deep breath. i could do this.

i strided up to noelles apartment and nervous pushed the door bell. a couple moments later noelle opened the door, wearing a stunning sleeveless black dress with a gold bar necklace. her auburn hair was down, scattered about on her shoulders-- something i've never really seen before-- but she looked absolutely gorgeous. her face seemed to have more makeup than she normally has on, but she honestly didn't need it.

i quickly handed her the bouquet of flowers and felt myself blushing just by looking at her while she was this beautiful.

"gosh, you really didn't have to... " she rolled her eyes as she took the flowers and smiled. "just wait a sec, i need my coat." noelle quickly came back with a navy blue peacoat on and a small clutch. "ready."

we were soon in the car, navigating downton london, searching for the restaurant we had made reservations for. noelle calmly used her phone gps while discussing her work.

".....and i've had to work almost twice as much since my boss wanted to redesign the website, which isn't all that bad, really. i mean, it's only been a couple late nights and usually stef has been ordering margarita pizzas. steve's been throwing a fit because he's gluten free, but since he doesn't say a damn thing about what he wants to eat, we end up ordering pizza anyway and then stef....." noelle was still engaging me even when she ranted about work. she never talked for super long bursts like this, and i even care if it was just about how steve was gluten free.

"oh, geez, it didn't need to be that fancy jack." noelle said as we pulled up to the restaurant. a tall arch surrounded the large wooden doors that stood behind 2 men in suits, ready to open the door for us. the windows were lined with fairy lights, putting a glow on the large foggy windows that blurred the many guests that were eating inside.

i turned to noelle as i unbuckled my seatbelt and raised my eyebrows.

"well, aren't we in for a treat."

we exited the car and excitedly went into the Taste of London, thanking the doormen and grinning to eachother at the thrill of such fanciness. the inside was nearly gorgeous. more fairy lights swung from the ceiling and meeting in the middle at a massive chandelier. large windows were scattered about, letting in a magical nighttime glow. it was a fairly large room, but not overwhelmingly big at all. noelles eyes scanned the room, eyes open with fascination. "it's so beautiful.... " she said softly, grinning slightly.

"reservations for jack harries?" i told the front tall desk man, looking like he was out of a cartoon with a short stereotypically french looking mustache and neatly combed hair. he busily glanced up from his computer and then back then again to rapidly type.

"ah yes, wait here a moment."

we were soon led through a maze of tables to a quaint corner by a young waitress and were given our menus.

our eyes scanned the delicious options and the hefty prices to come with them on the menu. noelle was looking a smoked fish and i was moving toward a steak. both ungodly prices, but that's what i expected at a restaurant like this.

we soon ordered our items and patiently waited for our items while playing a miniature game of would you rather. i discovered that noelle would rather die in cold weather than in hot weather (she hates warm weather-- not as many fashion opportunities?) and that would rather have 50 dogs than 50 cats (cats make her nose sniffly and dogs are just .... dogs.) we hoped we weren't laughing too loud; the building was full of posh couples likely over the age of 50 that stuck their noses up at us.

soon enough, the food was delivered and promptly devoured. the portions were small yet filling for both of us; we were practically feeling like we were going to explode.

the waitress asked for more champagne, and we both eagerly nodded as she daintily poured it into our tall glasses. we raised our glasses in the air and grinned at eachother.

"to friendship," noelle began.

"to friendship, good expensive food," i added, "and to ... new love."

her eyes softened and she shyly smiled at me. i nervously smiled back, somehow making my insides flopping all over. we clinked our glasses and sipped the champagne.

"so, we've been friends for almost a month now, and you can say it's been pretty... exciting." i started. "i really, genuinely love spending time with you; i really mean it. for someone who is as smart, witty, beautiful, and sometimes painfully annoying as you," she rolled her eyes and sighed. "it would be absolutely stupid for me not to ask you to be my girlfriend." she grinned widely and rested her hand on her forehead.

"so um..." i nervously began.

"jack, what do you think?" she smiled as she leaned across the table.

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