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noelle } march 4th } 612 days before

I zipped my makeup bag tight, throwing it on the table in the mass of hair products and brushes. I took a quick look at my bridesmaid self in the mirror, slightly smiling at my new reincarnation of a mediocre princess.

I quickly looked away when I brought myself back to the chaos of the dressing room. My mum stood in front of the long mirror, 10+ hands prodding and adjusting her new bride look.

My mum was a simple bride- not an overly fancy dress, her hair done in a simple bun, her makeup not overwhelming-my mum was beautifully simple. She really didn't want to make herself look like she did when she married my father either, even though she could easily pull it off.

"Noelle, can you zip me please?" Heather called to me from across the room, holding her dress around her pregnant body with a death grip.

I navigated myself around the fellow bridesmaids to get to Heather, firmly zipping the tight zipper of the (new and improved) maternity dress that came in last week.

Heather ended up looking like a slightly odd version of Cinderella, the tule puffing up slightly around her larger bump and cascading down, but still resembling the beauty of her mother.

"You don't look half bad, I promise." I reassured her slightly sour face.

"I look like an obese snowball, miss princess." Heather rolled her eyes. "You're the only normal looking one here."

"You're a pretty snowball, I promise." I told her.

I looked up to see the state of the bride, a small flock of bridesmaids surrounding her with smiling faces. My mum stood in front of us, nervously smiling as if she was waiting for approval.

"How do I look?" She asked.

We all sighed and smiled.

"Indescribably gorgeous, mum." I sighed. And I really meant it too.

"Second that." Heather added.

A rattle and opening of the door caused everyone's head to turn towards Tim's head that was poked in the room, his fiery red hair complimented by an elegant tux.

He put up his thumb and grinned. "Ready to roll?"

"We're rolling." I replied, taking my spot behind my mother and next to Heather.

We pushed the doors open and went outside the doors of the church, lining up with the few groomsmen like we had in the rehearsal dinner the night before.

My mum looked back at us for one moment before Tim and my Uncle Ross swiftly opened the doors of the church, her eyes soft and smile small and tender.

I felt a sudden wave of nervousness as the doors were opened to the church, the organ loud and the 'oohs' and 'ahs' of the crowd floating above at the sight of my gowned Mother. My stomach lurched when I really saw how many people here- my uncles, aunts, thousands of distant cousins, old college friends- all smiling and putting their hands over their hearts tenderly as my Mum slowly began walking down the aisle to Mustache Jim.

I felt Heather's hand clasp onto mine as we walked behind our mother, relieving my nerves as I spotted Mustache Jim standing at the head of the church.

"It's alright to breathe." She whispered into my ear, squeezing my hand gently.

I smiled and took a deep breath.

My mother was getting married.

"Dad would've wanted her happy, I promise." Heather reassured me.

I glanced over at Heather as we slowly walked down, her soft eyes slightly glazed over in tears and a small smile across her face as to silently tell me that everything was ok.

I continued to hold Heathers hand as we walked down the long aisle, smiling at the people sitting at the end of the pews and waving to the kids that were squirming in their seats.

I quickly scanned the crowd for Jack, who was sitting by Jonas towards the front in . His head was turned to the isle, his eyes following my mum as we cascaded down the isle.

His eyes landed on me and his face broke out in a smile wide enough to fill this church, the dorkiest crinkles forming by his eyes. He waved rapidly, making me roll my eyes and blush like a madman.

Jim's eyes softened and his moustached smile grew when my Mother slowly approached him, the congregation admiring them with smiling faces. My heart swelled when they took eachothers hands at the head of the church, looking lovingly into each others eyes.

After mum gave her bouquet to Heather we took our seats for the service to begin. Heather and I plunked next to Jack and Jonas in the front row, wiping the tears that we happen to find in our eyes.

Jack glanced at me and smiled like The Biggest Dork On the Planet once again.

"You never told me that'd you'd look like a goddamm model, Noelle. I'm sorry, I didn't prepare." He whispered into my ear, immediately causing my cheeks to blush.

"Shut up, stupid." I almost caught myself almost rolling my eyes. "There's no time for you're obligatory flirtation, my mums getting married for gods sake."

"No, honestly, you're almost making your mother look bad here." Jack smirked. "And what obligatory flirtation?" He added, raising his eyebrows.

"Sh." I raised my finger to my mouth and rolled my eyes.

I could practically feel Jack grinning at my side as I glared of into the distance, trying to pay attention to the wedding in front of me.

"I'll shut up now." Jack whispered, slipping his hand into mine as the pastor began speaking.

The wedding went on, tears seeming to continuously running down both mine and my sisters cheeks, praying that our waterproof mascara worked this time. A wave of sighs passed over the congregation when the almost newly wedded couple said their vows- my heart practically exploding at the words of 'you may kiss the bride'.

When the service was concluded my Mum and Jim began their long walk down the isle, stopping first at ours.

Heather and I took our married mother into our arms, Tim timidly joining us after Heather grabbed his arm. Jim, in typical Moustache Jim fashion, stood beside our group hug, probably making friendly eye contact with Jack or Jonas.

"Be nice to Jim now, ok?" My mum whispered as we let go of each other.

Tim and I both simultaneously rolled our eyes. "We are nice."

My mum raised her eyebrows. "Right."

Jim took her arm and continued to lead her to the next pew for more hugs, leaving Tim, Jack and I standing next to an embraced Jonas and Heather.

I watched my mum happily greet distant relatives, Jim looking at her with a loving look of affection. I smiled as I saw Jim take her hand as he lead her to the next pew, his eyes still floating on his new wife. Love really doesn't age, does it?

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