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noelle } oct. 25th } 729 days before

much to my surprise, i woke up before my alarm blared in my ear to get up for work. i decided to look presentable today-- so that would mean that i would have to actually shower and do my hair. you know, what normal people do.

my shower took a bit longer than usual, my busy thoughts consuming most of the time and little cleaning actually being done. my long shower resulted in 5 minutes to get dressed, do makeup and hair, and leave the house to walk. i need to actually eat breakfast some mornings some day or another.

i wore a loose peter pan collared dress that my older sister gave me for christmas a while back with an old pair of yellow vans, wearing a look resembling a mix between a school teacher and cute college student. i brought up my hair into a sloppy bun, leaving some loose strands on the side. i applied a thin layer of eyeliner to complete whatever look i was going for.

i filled up tifannys water bowl and gave the old dog a lengthy petting before i headed off to my walk to work. i snatched my messenger bag and a jean jacket before firmly slamming the door.

immediately after i stepped out the door, i was met with ominous, dark clouds hanging low in the sky. the air felt like a hot blanket being pulled over me, leaving me uncomfortable in the new weather.

i decided i wasn't going to go back inside and get my rain jacket -- the rain would hold back before i would get to work, right?

i groaned as i decided against getting my protection from the rain and putting my faith into the clouds holding back until I got to work. i began my normal route of going down the sidewalk and into the entrance of the quaint park.

just as i walked past the first park bench, i glanced up at the grey sky and sure enough, it was on the brink of rainfall. i felt one warm drop on my face, then another, and another. soon enough it was downpouring.

i started to jog, but my heavy bag limited me to an awkward fast walk. no matter what, i was determined to get through the rain.

my jean jacket was beginning to get damp as i was about half way through the park, much to my dismay. it takes forever for those things to dry. my hair was a wet, soppy mess and the strands on the side of my face were clinging to my wet face.

"noelle? hey, noelle!" a familiar voice called as i powered through the rain. thank god.

jack was huddled under his black umbrella, on the brink of laughter looking at my wet state.

"care to join me?" he chuckled, his eyes crinkling and making my stomach feeling like it was turning in circles. cute boys shouldn't be allowed to giggle like that.

"oh god, please." i laughed, huddling under the small umbrella with him.

he smiled at me warmly as we started briskly walking again through the heavy rain.

i smiled back at him, looking into his damn gorgeous angel eyes. his eyes lingered on mine as we slowed our pace. i could feel my eyes wanting to stay pinned on his face-- everything was so visually pleasing and so attractive-- no one would want to not look at him. he quickly tore his glance from mine and walked faster again. i quickly did the same, shamefully looking at my wet feet and quickening my pace.

jack broke the rain filled silence by clearing his throat quietly. "you uh, you.. look nice today?"

my heart started beating quicker and i felt my cheeks get painfully red-- he thought I looked nice! I quickly looked up to him, who's eyes were still hopefully on mine, waiting for a reply.

"gosh, that's ... really nice of you to say." i smiled, feeling my heart slow down. "yeah, uh, its a new dress." It wasn't a new dress.

i felt like an idiot, struggling to recieve a basic compliment like this. then again, i went through 4 years of highschool without having a legitimate conversation opposite gender, so all this "accepting compliments from a ridiculously cute angel boy who's shared his umbrella with me two days a row" thing is slightly ... confusing.

"you look great too, jack." i blurted out, feeling my cheeks burn up again. shit. shit. shit.

his cheeks had a bit of pink rising on them, raising my heart beat again.

"gosh, thanks.." he chuckled.

we both smiled at our feet as we reached the office building.

"so..." he said, closing his umbrella as we climbed up the steps.

"so..." i replied.

"are you free for lunch?"


falling like rain / jack harries fanficWhere stories live. Discover now