"Her new supervisor is Koji Koda. Crystal said.

"Alright then. Inform me if anything happens."

"Yes sir." and with that Camie left.

"You need an secretary Kacchan. They are very helpful, and organized." Izuku says, as he enters the elevator.

"Yeah, well I can't find one that suits the qualifications." Katsuki says.

"Qualifications? You means your standers. There are many people with the right qualifications, they are just not up to your standers, I guess." as the elevator heads up. 

"You could say." Katsuki says.

As they get to the last floor and step out. "Why don't you find me one? Since Crystal is your secretary." Katsuki says, taking his seat.

"Fine then. Leave up to me." as they both start working. "and remember every afternoon at 4 we have to go and work on the movie." Izuku says.

"I know, I know."

As they day went one, both left and came into the office. Meeting being canceled, meeting about their new product, etc. 

"Kacchan, I must leave. I have a meeting with Melissa Shield, it's about security." Izuku informs. 
"I'll meet you at the movie production, alright?" Izuku says.

"yeah, just don't be late." Katsuki says. Izuku nods his head and approaches Katsuki, giving him a light small kiss and then left.

Camie drove Izuku to the café. 

"Melissa?" Izuku asks, as he approached a table.

"Izuku! Long time no see! Come on catch me up on everything!" As Izuku takes a seat.

"Well for one I'm married, being in a movie, and I'm a CEO now, well half of it. Since my husband and I are both the CEO's." Izuku explains.

"How long was I gone? I come back and you're married now? Congratulations. Now, what is it that you need?" Melissa asks.

"Well an incident happen a couple of days ago. Some of the paparazzi sneaked in and barged in my office. I don't want that to ever happen. So I ask of you, if you have anything that could help us?" Izuku asks.

"Help? Well you came to the right person. I made some inventions that are just right for you. Although the price isn't very cheap." Melissa says.

"Don't worry about cash. All you have to worry about is your inventions." Izuku says.

It took half an hour until they settle with 6 "products".

"It was a pleasure doing business with you." Melissa says.

"The pleasure was mine." and with that they head their own ways. Camie then drove Izuku back to the producers. Just in time Izuku got there. "You can just head come Camie, Kacchan will drive me back home." Camie nodded and headed off.

"So you made it." Katsuki says. Izuku turns around and sees katsuki leaning against a wall.

"yup. Now let' head inside." 

As they made their way to the producing room. Each one was given their lines. Izuku found a seat and memorized his lines. In no time, Izuku already memorized the whole script and so did Katsuki.

"Don't you need more time to memorize the lines?" Hirokoshi asked.

"Well, I have already memorized them all. So there is no need to" Izuku says.

Horikoshi was impressed at the ability that Izuku memorized all the lines.

That day, they all just memorized their line, and meet one another. Once they finished, they headed home.

"They were so all so nice, Kacchan!" Izuku says.

"yeah? I do have to admit, that Mirio guy impressive," Katsuki spoke, keeping his eyes on the road.  "But not as impressive as me." he finished off.

"haha, yeah I guess. No one could compare to the amazing Kacchan! After all you did get the role of one of the main characters. Also as I was reading the script there was a part that we-,  well Deku and Ground Zero make out at an alley. Do we have to? Everyone will see it and it will be embarrassing." Izuku says.

"Just don't worry about it. What do you say we practice some of the scene's?" Katsuki says.

"That sounds like a good idea. There is one scene that I feel like it will be a problem in the future. I would also like to do my own stunts, I have taken martial arts in the past, but I feel like I need more practice." Izuku says.

"What are you trying to get to?" katsuki asks

"Well, should we hire a trainer? I just want to make sure that my moves aren't get rusty." Izuku says.

"and what kind of martial arts did you take?" Katsuki asks.

"Let me see, Taekwondo, Karate, Jujitsu, and Kung fu. I also did gymnastics, since I had to be at home all the time. I was home schooled, so I took those activities to pass time." Izuku says

"You don't need a trainer, you just need practice. We'll take the day off tomorrow and spar? I took martial arts after all" Katsuki spoke.

"Yeah that would be great."

As they got home, Izuku cooked dinner. Katsuki played with Lucy and Bomber. They all eat and went to sleep. 

Katsuki cuddled Izuku,the entire night, not letting him go. Both happy to have each other. 

The next day would be fallow by sparing, acting, and practice. Katsuki getting the scene's that he wanted to practice with Izuku. 

Hope you guys enjoyed! ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)

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