Chapter 9: Bishop vs Knight: Part 3

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A/N I really wish to update more often. I really do... But being stuck at home gives me apathy. I just feel like spending all days reading random fanfics. Actually writing something requires me to think. It's a painful process. But alas, here you go :)

The day after the bonding session, Drake entered the forge.

During afternoon hours such early into the school year the place was mostly empty. Drake sighted and dropped the bag of materials before taking off his leather jacket. It was hard days work in front of him. Suddenly, a red form jumped in front of him.

"Wha' ya' doin'?" Ruby asked so quickly that he barely comprehended the words. She had her normal combat outfit, which quite startled him. The forge was very hot and usually it was best to wear only some clothes and maybe protection gear.

"I need new weapons and I will not settle for something bought." He paused, registering who he was talking about. "...Which you already know, since you helped me with the design." He pointed out accusingly.

"No. I meant what you doing first. I am so excited. Making a new weapon from scratches!" The red-clad girl beamed.

"I am making weapon." *sight* "Look... I appreciate the help with design, but forging a weapon is personal. One is quite literally deciding on his future. How well weapon works defines life or death."

"I know!" Ruby moaned. "But I want to help!"

"Then don't interrupt" Drake snarled. Just because weapon was not so important for him as it was nothing more than a tool, he needed to be able to put his trust in it. And he would only trust something that he made himself. Designing? There he could use help. Forging? That was always a thing to be done alone.

"Ugh! Fiiine" The girl relented. She zoomed out of the place without second thought.

With the annoyance gone, Drake pulled out the materials. Forging itself was hard work and he wanted to make sure that he controlled every part of the process. The materials he bought were several slabs of metal and some dust containers. He spent more or less half of his total money on it. It would be worth it. He would make sure of that

First step was to heat the slab in furnace so he could use automates hammer in the forge to start on the blade. He needed to forge several parts of it to work with mecha-shifting mechanism, so he got several smaller ingots. He would also lace them in lightning dust during this step to give the metal some properties of it. As he pulled the heated ingot from fire and placed it on the anvil, he loaded cylinder to the upper part and activated the machine. Systematic sound of heavy, heat-resistant head slamming into the metal filled the room. With each hit, some of the yellow substance was added to the material. The process had to be repeated several times before he gained more or less the shape of required part. The curved, broad part was ready for next step. By that time, dust fused with ingot and metal had now more of light yellow color than simple metallic as it used to be. Drake repeated the process with other five slabs that would in the end serve to build an extendable blade for his new set of weapons. The next step was to give this parts proper shape. For that he used sander lain with earth dust to give the blade parts better edge and cutting properties. At this step, he kept edges sharp, but he didn't go overboard with it. There was still heat treatment to make parts more resistant. With parts in proper shape, he could proceed with the procedure. Drake first heated the parts and then clenched them in special tongs, to later put them in oil.

While the blade parts were resting, Drake took a bigger slab and used another hammer to turn it into large sheet. This was to also infuse it with gravity dust. The weapon would be lighter and he would have more control over it as it flew on the chain. It was crucial part that he would never trust anyone else to do. He experienced first-hand what would happen if one added too much gravity dust. Flaws would not be visible at this step, but he would still be forced to repeat the whole procedure over. Learning that only when weapon was already finished and he pushed his aura into it for the first time would be irritating. With sheet ready, he used plasma cutter to get two pieces and later had put different hammer to use to get it in shape.

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