Chapter 8: Bishop vs Knight: part 2

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A/N I am really really really sorry there was no update for so long. I will be honest. I just got stuck and lost my will to continue. I got preabsorbed with other things and kinda kept putting writing this off. Anyway, here you go.

Cardin cursed. His team has proven to be just a bunch of cowards that abandoned him on the first sight of threat. He had to explain them toroughfully that they were untouchable as long as they sticked with him. His father was a leader of Vale Council after all. They would rule this school before first month ended. And yet this idiots almost messed it all up. He had to somehow rebuild the reputation. And Cardin had just the idea how.

Weiss Schnee, the heiress of Schnee Dust Company, was considered as beautiful as she was rich. For Cardin she was average at best. He preferred more... developed girls like the blonde in team with Atleasian girl. Or Laila... Leila... whoever was that girl in PALD team. She was okay too. But alas. If he managed to get Schnee to start going out with him, he would be back on the top of the food chain. With that in mind he gathered his pack back and walked toward the table where she sat. Just his luck, she was alone and focused on reading something that looked like a textbook from afar. Whoa. If she is like that then maybe I can even get her to do homework for me. That would be cool.

Weiss was sitting in the corner of the cafeteria and preparing for history lesson. She heard that they would be taught by Doctor Oobleck, who was renowned in the field of Remnant history and she actually hoped to impress him. Percy joked that she would do all the material before the lesson even started. She would show him when the Doctor started with a pop quiz. Suddenly, a hand smashed into the table in front of her, getting her attention. A large and rather stoutly built boy was leaning over. She noticed that he had three more boys as a... guard? wingmen? She didn't care really. But it was too much similar to what happened all too often at the parties in Atlas.

"Hi sweety. I noticed you are alone. Maybe you would like some company?" He asked in what that dolt probably considered seductive tone.

"Excuse me?!" Weiss took offence in this. "I was reading. I actually hoped to have some time alone while my team is busy. Get lost peasant." She waved her hand and wanted to return to her textbook. Most of the time it worked in Atlas. Or started a scandal. Either way she won and was left alone by the irritating suitor who either got the message or was too offended to try anything. The third option if they still kept going was a meeting with Winter, Percy or Mr. Ironwood himself. One of the three was always happy to deal with the irritation.

"Do you know who I am?" Cardin asked with a frown on his face.

"An utter dolt." Weiss deadpanned and was about to return to her textbook again when the boy forcefully closed it. It actually made her look closer. She recognized him as the one who had his ass handed by Percy's Faunus partner. Well this is a surprise.

"I am the son of Vale Council leader John Winchester. It would be wise if you showed me some respect. After all if I asked, my father could severely limit your company's income. You wouldn't want daddy to put some taxes or expel SDC from Vale now, would you?" He grinned and Weiss actually gulped. It was not because of the threat. She knew that this would be more harmful for Vale than her family's company. But the face he made got her scared. This man would not back away so easily. "Now I would say that some compensation would be in order for how you acted." He said in suggestive tone, extending his hand toward her. Weiss swatted it away, but he didn't get discouraged.

"I would sooner jump off the Beacon Cliff without my weapon than go out with you!" She stated louder than necessary.

"Now Now... We wouldn't want to accidentally damage this pretty face of yours, would we?" He asked. "I believe you should ask me out on a diner for all the trouble though." He said.

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