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The car stopped right in front of the red carpet that was rolled out in front of their school's gym building. Still a lot of people were gathered around it, waiting for everyone to be inside and since it was still only a quarter past 8. Either it were students, teachers or complete strangers who came to take a look at the happening. 

"Are we ready?!" Mingyu, yet again, yelled and pecked Wonwoo's cheek. "Come on let's go!"

Junhui and Minghao shot each other a nervous glance, but nodded. They both knew that as long they were together, it would be okay. They wouldn't care about anyone's opinion as long as it was the two of them. 

So the moment Mingyu opened the door and got out with Wonwoo, they gathered all the confidence they had left and stepped outside of the black limousine. Both Junhui and Minghao wiped the wrinkles from their suits and started walking towards the red carpet, facing the huge crowd. 

There indeed were a lot of people still waiting outside. Photographers, teachers, students, strangers. Junhui felt incredibly uncomfortable because he wasn't used to this big amount of eyes on him, but he just went with it. After all, he could've expected this at a prom. 

Mingyu and Wonwoo, in front of the two, waited at the beginning of the red carpet, waiting for the couple that was still walking over it to go inside. Junhui nervously looked around him, not knowing if he should act confident or not. But everything faded away the moment he felt Minghao's hand slip into his own hand. "Jun, you look really handsome, you know?" 

With those words he heard right next to his ears he shot Minghao a playful smirk. "Oh I do?" In what Minghao only giggled and squeezed his hand a little. "Yes you do, now let's go, show everyone how good looking you are." And right after that he felt Minghao pulling him along and they walked over the red carpet, following right behind Mingyu and Wonwoo. 

Junhui noticed Minghao waving to people he vaguely remembered from their table in the canteen. From time to time he felt the younger squeezing his hand and for some reason he actually enjoyed the moment. He liked how camera's were focussing on them, snapping photos of the two looking good in their suits. Despise the fact he felt very uncomfortable at first, he gained a lot of confidence all out of sudden. 

But the moment passed by as soon as it came and they faced the insides of the building. "Phew, glad that that's over." Minghao said the moment they walked inside. 

Music reached their ears and they walked into the big hall. A lot of students already were inside and gave the two questioning looks upon seeing them holding hands. And even though there were a lot of rude stares, the two simply didn't care and of course, they weren't planning on letting go of each other any moment soon. 

"Was it that worse? I actually kinda liked the attention for once." Junhui said grinning, looking at Minghao's confused face. "You did? Well that's new to me." He questioned the elder. "To be honest, it was totally new to me too." Junhui agreed. But it was no lie. He wasn't expecting him to like the feeling of getting so much attention at all. 

Minghao still seemed a little confused, but Junhui just chuckled upon seeing his face and pulled him along with him. "Come, let's follow Mingyu and Wonwoo! Or else we'll lose them!" 


11 pm. One hour left until the beautiful night was over. Little lights filled the dark hall, but gave just enough light to see everyone dancing around each other. Even Junhui, Minghao, Mingyu and Wonwoo were dancing along to the beat. 

"Do you still like it?!" Minghao had to yell to get his own volume over the loud music. But of course Junhui didn't hear to, so he made a sign, gesturing he didn't hear a single bit of Minghao's words. So the younger just grinned and placed a hand on Junhui's shoulder, leaning forwards to his ear, tiptoeing to actually get his lips right next to his ears. "I asked you if you're still liking it?" The heat of Minghao's breath tickled Junhui's neck and he lowered his face to get at Minghao's height. "Of course I do!" 

goodnight | junhao auKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat