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For the first time Minghao woke up in an environment that made him feel safe. What made him realize where he was, or better said, with who he was. 

Oh no.. I didn't...

Yes he did. He fell asleep in Junhui's arms, with his head laying on his shoulder. But strangely, the elders head lay against his, which ment he would've been okay with sleeping together.. right?

He shifted his gaze across the room, the clock showed it was 7 am, what ment they had school in one hour. But because they lived on a 5 minute walk away, they could take their time to eat breakfast and get ready.

Junhui was still peacefully asleep. One of his arms was still wrapped around Minghao's shoulder and with his hand he made sure Minghao would stay. Just like he saw the elder holding onto his pillow tightly the night before. Only different this time.

He decided he wouldn't wake Junhui yet, it might be awkward to 'wake up together' and he didn't know if Junhui felt the same about sleeping together like this. Maybe he felt like he had to do it because the younger cried his eyes out the night before. Minghao couldn't even remember who's idea it was to fall asleep on the couch.

Carefully he lifted Junhui's arm and he got off of the couch. Immediately he missed the warmth of him. Even his smell faded away the more he walked in another direction. But without thinking he walked to his room to get dressed.

After that he walked to their shared bathroom to brush his teeth and do his hair. Just when he settled himself at the left sink, where his stuff was placed, a raspy voice entered his ear.


Minghao's heart made a little jump when he saw Junhui walking to the right sink with messy hair.

"H-hey goodmorning!" Immediately he felt stupid for stuttering. But for some reason he was scared that Junhui might say something about them falling asleep together.

What actually didn't seem to bother him that much, because he just splashed some water in his face and started doing his own thing. So Minghao also continued with his hair. 

"So have you slept well? After.. you know, what happened." Junhui suddenly asked, what speeded up Minghao's heartbeat.

"Yes, I actually slept great, you?"

"Yeah, me too."

The atmosphere was so awkward. How was you supposed to act around a friend you slept together with anyways? They both probably didn't even understood in what way they slept together. Minghao surely didn't. Was it just as one friend that felt forced to comfort the other, or was there something more..?

"So eh.. about yesterday. Can you please, eh, don't tell anyone you saw me like that..?"

Junhui let out a deep chuckle, looking aside to the smaller. "Why would I tell anyone? I want you to feel better, not to make it worse."

Minghao felt heat creeping up his face after the reassuring words the elder said to him. But Junhui focused on himself in the mirror again as he started spreading out shaving cream over his complete jaw. Minghao decided to also stop staring and he started brushing his teeth.

Why did I had to get these feelings...



Wonwoo, who was waiting at his best friends locker, called out his name as soon as he saw the two Chinese guys walking in to his direction. A smirk appeared on his face. 

"Ooohhhh..." Junhui's cheeks got red and he made a note to himself he would kill Wonwoo as soon as he got the chance and when it would ever get legal. 

"I see you in class, I think?" Junhui said to Minghao, who was waving to Mingyu on the other side of the hallway.

"Yes, see you then!"

Minghao seemed so happy again and Junhui barely could see the vulnerable side of him. But he knew the younger didn't wanted anyone to see that side of him, so he hid it away underneath his bubbly and happy personality. But of course he didn't wanted to bother him with that in the full hallway, so he just replied with a heartwarming big smile and waved him goodbye.

"Okay but, what was that?" Wonwoo asked curious as soon as Minghao was out of hearing distance.

"Hmm what?" Junhui asked, tearing his gaze off of Minghao.

"You know what I'm talking about! Suddenly you show up at school together with Minghao?! What happened?!"

The elder chuckled. "Well, we just walked to school together, that's all. So how was your weekend?"

Junhui tried to shake it off by starting about something different, what only made Wonwoo roll his eyes and groan in annoyance.

"Whatever, but my weekend was good actually. Mingyu took me out for dinner on Saturday!"

Junhui's eyes grew bigger and a wide smile appeared on his face. "YOU WENT ON A DATE?!"

"Yah! Keep your voice down, could you?!" Wonwoo said, slapping his shoulder. Junhui admitted himself he was maybe way too loud, but he couldn't care less, his best friend had a date with the guy he liked! "And I don't even know if it was a date, he just asked me to join him for dinner. So we did."

"Did he pay the bill?"


"So it was a date!"

"Ye- No! Junhui!"

The elder started laughing after he saw the frustrated and confused look on his face, al though he knew for sure Mingyu wasn't only 'taking him out for dinner'. The feelings Mingyu had for Wonwoo were way too obvious. Junhui could tell by the way he looked at his friend when they were drinking coffee. The way he smiled and listened whenever Wonwoo was talking about the things he loved, not even to start about how much he started blushing as soon as it got too obvious..

"Anyways, how is your apartment?"

Junhui gulped. It was only then he realized he had to tell him he lived together with Minghao now. Of course he knew he could tell Wonwoo anything, but it also reminded him about the night before. And he knew he had to keep that a secret for everyone, including Wonwoo.

"Pretty good! I'm glad I finally moved out!"

"Who did you move in with? I hope it's someone nice."

"Eh.. well, you might actually not believe this, but I got placed together with Minghao."

The size of Wonwoo his eyes grew two times the size and his jaw dropped a little.

"You what?!"

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