Sweet Spots

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It shouldn't have happened.

First of all, this akuma was just plain nuts. Apparently, some kid who was bullied for being a crybaby, and became Youthinizer, who gave people baby-like qualities. He shot gooey stuff out of a baby bottle, and turned lamp posts into nightlights, and de-aged people. He really shouldn't have been that tough.

Unfortunately, he was tougher than he appeared. Chat Noir and Ladybug had been battling him for an hour. He'd shoot, they'd dodge, and it'd be a wild goose chase from on place to the next. It was starting to get old. Ladybug called on her Lucky Charm, which happened to be a can of spray paint. By spray painting the word 'crybaby' everywhere, he chased after them, following them to the Eiffel Tower. That should have been the end of it.

It wasn't.

The next few moments were a blur. Chat watched helplessly as his lady fell from the tower. Her yo yo had been used up caging the Youthinizer. His cataclysm was supposed to seal the deal on the akuma, not knock her down!

Her wasn't quick enough. The akuma was out, and Ladybug didn't have her yo yo, so he did the only thing he could; he killed the akuma.

And, in that moment, letting Ladybug fall.

He rushed her away before reporters got their and demanded to take he to the hospital. Her identity would be revealed. He dropped her off in an ally way, and hoped someone would find her. The next few days were full of worry. There were no akumas, thank goodness, but not just his lady had been hurt.

"Marinette had been discovered in a street not far from the attack," Ms, Bustier explained to the anxious class, "Her parents are panicked, and she'll be in the hospital for a while." That class was spent making 'Get Well Soon' cards for Marinette, and reassurance cards for her parents. As thanks, they sent heart-shaped cookies with Ladybug and Chat Noir frosting, But Adrien could hardly eat. Two of the most important people in his life were inured.

A week passed. Adrien's father, Gabriel, surprised him. "That classmate of yours really is special," he informed his son. "Her designs deserve to be in the magazine. Half of the money made from this will go to her recovery." Adrien couldn't remember the last time he hugged his father so hard.

Marinette, even when unconscious, could  work miracles.

Another week passed. The class received the best news they could have gotten in centuries.

"Class," ms. bustier had a huge smile on her face, and looked overcome with joy. "I just received word from Marinette's parents: she's fine, and will join us in class tomorrow." The cheering flowed through the classroom walls, and spread all around the school. Even Mrs. Mendeleev was cheering. That day was spent making and hanging up decorations for a welcome back ceremony. Marinette's parents came by, their eyes filled with tears of love and pride for their daughter. Adrien couldn't stop smiling, and his classmates helped him with the photo shoot showcasing Marinette's designs. There was no doubt Marinette's return would be the best day in his life.

A night of waiting passed fitfully. He'd never been more eager to get to school. When he arrived, everyone was already seated, even Nino, who was usually the last on there. They were yapping away, all excited. Adrien, Nino, and Alya talked about the surprise they had in mind for her. Ms. Bustier entered the class, and they hushed on cue, waiting for news.

"Alright class," Ms. Bustier began, "Marinette is going to come in. But, she is going to look a little different. She had some internal injuries that have damaged her for life, so be patient with her." Alya's hand shot into the air. "Is she in a wheelchair?"

"No, Alya, luckily, It's something very small. But, it's also going to be a slight adjustment; she won't be able to move as fast or adequately as she used to, and she's slightly traumatized. We are going to be supportive, encouraging, and adaptive, understood?"

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