☆ The Pilot ☆

Start from the beginning

"And how does that in any way explain why you keep coming to my lectures?"

"Yeah, it doesn't really, does it? I was hoping something would develop. What's that? A police telephone box?"

"Yeah," the Doctor replies.

"Did you build it from a kit?"

"No, it came like that,"

"Then how did you get it in here? The doors too small and so are the windows,"

"We had the window and a part of the wall taken out and it was lifted in,"

"What, with a crane?"

"Yeah, with a crane. It's heavier than it looks," he says. The two were iterupted when a girl walks in.

"Oh, hello. Sorry. Didn't know you had company," She smiles before walking over to him, pecking him on his cheek. Bill offers a smile watching the two awkwardly as he took a seat at his desk.

She looks back at the wedding picture on his desk for a second and realises who she was.

"Take it shes the bride. How long have you two been together?" She asks.

"Why have you been coming to my lectures?" The Doctor asks, noticing how she was trying to change the subject.

"Because I like them. Everybody likes them. They're amazing. Why me?"

"Why you what?"

"Well, plenty of people come to your lectures that aren't supposed to. Why pick on me?"

{Y/n} leans back on a table near the window, eating a pack of crisps.

"Well, I noticed you,"

"Yeah, but why?"

"Well, most people when they don't understand something, they frown. You smile," he explains.

"I'll tell you what I don't understand. You've been lecturing here for a long time. Like, fifty years, some people say. Nabeela in the office says over seventy,"

"Yeah, and you're thinking, 'Well, he doesn't look old enough," The Doctor smiles. {Y/n} shakes her head at the man, trying to stifle back a laugh.

"No. I'm wondering what you're supposed to be lecturing on. It's like the university lets you do whatever you like. One time, you were going to give a lecture of quantum physics. You talked about poetry,"

"Poetry, physics, same thing," the Doctor says.

"How is it the same?"

"Because of the rhymes. What are you doing at this university?"

"I always wanted to come here,"

"Yeah, to serve chips?"

"Says the man who looks like hes married someone twelve years younger than him. Maybe even more," she throws back, making him raise a brow offended by her statement.

"That's a little harsh,"

"Really? Is she one of the students here or something? You dirty man," she looks inbetween the two scrunching her face.

☆ Alone in this world ☆ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now