☆ Oxygen ☆

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"Space, the final frontier. Final because it wants to kill us. Sometimes we forget that, start taking it all for granted. The suits, the ships, the little bubbles of safety, as they protect us from the void. But the void is always waiting," the Doctor draws a rocket on the chalk board "so, how does space kill you? I'm glad you asked. The main problem his pressure. There isn't any. So, don't hold your breath or your lungs will explode. Blood vessels rapture. Exposed areas swell. Fun fact! The boiling temperature of water is much lower in a vacuum. Which means your sweat and saliva will boil, as will the fluid around your eyes. You won't notice any of this because fifteen seconds in you've passed out as oxygen bubbles formed in your blood. And ninety seconds in, you're dead. Any questions?" He joined various stars on the blackboard with lines to create a skull. A girl student raises her hand.


"What's this got to do with crop rotation?" Nardole watches from the side. Beside him stands {Y/n} who giggles.

"Er, dunno. But space is great, isn't it?"

☆ Time skip ☆

"You are missing it, aren't you?" nardole asked walking beside the Doctor, {Y/n} following tow.

"Crop rotation?"

"Space. I'm worried you're thinking about taking another trip, sir."

"I'm here, I'm guarding the vault. What do you want from me?"

"The truth,"

"Don't be unreasonable,"

Time skip

"Space! Going to space is exactly like camping," the Doctor says as him, his wife and Bill stand around the console.

"It is?" Bill asks.

"Er, well, no,"


"Well, in a way, yes,"


"Too much between you and the outside and you might as well stay at home. To really feel it, you need the space equivalent of a wafer-thin sleeping bag and a leaky two-man tent. So, pick a campsite,"

"Git any reviews?"


"You know, like for restaurants. Waiter was a bit handsy, lasagna gave me the trots. Two stars,"

"Strangely, no," Bill looks at the scanner then touches it.

"Oh, I don't know. That one," the Doctor and {Y/n} look at the scanner.

"Ah, yes, well, possibly we could go there, pitch our tent next to the toilet block. How about something a bit more exciting?" He touches another point, which then glows red and sounds a beep.

"What's that?" Bill asks, {Y/n} looks past Bill at the Doctor sceptically.

"That is my theme tune. Otherwise known as a distress call," the Doctor replies.

"You like distress calls?"

"You only really see the true face of the universe when it's asking for your help,"

"I haven't seen my true face in years. Swapped it for this one in the run," Nardole says, walking up to them, giving {Y/n} the fright of her life.

"Oh, look girls, it's Nardole. What a lovely surprise," the Doctor gestures.

"Stating the obvious," {Y/n} breaths, still in shock.

"I thought I sent you to Birmingham for a packet of crisps," the Doctor points, crossing his brows.

☆ Alone in this world ☆ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now