☆ Oxygen ☆ Part 2

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"Airlock!" Ivan shouts, Tasker joins the zombies as they stomp forward.

"Airlock helmets on," everyone does expect Bill.

"Where are we going?" Bill asks.

"Outside," Ivan replies.

"Well, didn't they say that was a bad idea?"

"It is. But I know a worse one," the Doctor says as he activates her helmet.

"Wait, why, why, why, why do I need that?  What about the air forcefeild thing?"

"Not strong enough for a vacuum. Trust me," the Doctor says as he places the helmet on Bills head.

"What happens if I throw up in my helmet?"

"Colour and smells," Nardole says.

"Don't throw up in the helmet then. Check," Bill whispers, the airlock is activated. Decompression is in 40,39. Then a red light starts flashing inside Bills suit.

"Warning, helmet malfunction,"

"Er, Doctor? {Y/n}?"

"Please advice local technician,"

"Somebody stop it!" Bills suit takes her helmet off.

"Put it back on!" The Doctor shouts.

"Doctor, it's not me doing it,"

"Put it back on!"

"I'm trying! I can't move my arms,"

"Stop the cycle,"

"We can't stop it. It's automated," Ivan says, the Doctor tried fixing her suit.

"Now we know why your suit was being repaired. Bill. Bill! You're about to be exposed to the vacuum of space," the Doctor says.

"Oh, god!"

"So, don't hold your breath," Nardole says.

"Or my lungs will explode,"

"You were listening. Well done," The Doctor says, softly, Bill starts to cry. {Y/n} walks over. Everyone's boots activate the magnetic boots "what are we going to do?" The airlock opens. Ice starts to form on Bills face. She exhales and passes out, {Y/n} reaches for Bill as does the Doctor and they both pull her towards them.

Bill wakes, winces and sneers at a poster. A group of zombies are looking at her through a doorway.

"Suit? Suit. Velma?" Bill asks quietly.

"Good morning. How many I assist?"

"Shh, shh. I can't move,"

"This suit is currently offline for diagnostic purposes," There is footsteps behind her.

{Y/n} walks into view with Nardole following and Ivan.

"Ah, {Y/n}, Nardole, Ivan, thank god," Bill says.

"You're awake. Told you," Nardole says.

"Are you okay?" Ivan asks.

"Shh. No. What happened? I can't move," Bill says.

"You're suit is set to auto. The Doctor hacked it and you walked out," Ivan fixes it so she can move.

"And you've got oxygen deprivation which is why you feel like you feel," Nardole adds.

"Have you looked down there?" Bill asks, the zombies are looking through the doorway.

"Hmm? Ah, no, they're fine," Nardole says.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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