Meeting The Supernovas

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DuckPirate: Time to meet the mystery unknowns of the Supernova guilds.

Announcer: From Fiore we have the strongest wizards guild in all of Fiore, Fairy tail!

The crowd cheers and some of them question who you are as you stand next to Erza.

Announcer: From the Far South, we have Eustass Kid and Killer from the Colossal Power guild.

The crowd roars loudly.

Y/N: They seem to be quite a popular guild.

Announcer: We have Erza Scarlet and Roronoa Y/N, a new member of Fairy tail.

You smirk.

Announcer: Next we have the Orange Hearts guild from Dressrosa with guild master Law and his ally Bepo.

The crowd members from Dressrosa cheer for them.

Y/N: He's a guild master?

Erza: So guild masters are allowed in the Supernova Games? That is not the same for the Grand Magic Games.

Announcer: Next we have the Ancient Bones guild, the only guild in Wano with X-Drake and Page One!

Y/N: Him, so that's his partner. He has one strange hairstyle.

Announcer: Next we have the Hungry Hungry guild with Jewelry Bonney and Cracker from the Whole Cake Kingdom.

Y/N: Hey I know her.

Erza: You do?

Bonney turns to see you and stares at you in surprise which spins turns to anger.

Bonney: Your that idiot, who cut down my sail!

Y/N: I said I was sorry and paid for repairs!

Announcer: Next we have Capone Bege and Gotti from the Fire Tank guild all the way from the Supreme Fortress islands.

Erza: Did you accidentally cut her sail down or was that on purpose?

Y/N: Accident, I mistook it for a sea king. She is one unforgiving brat.

Bonney: Brat?! Your just a big idiot!

Announcer: Excuse me! Do you mind saving the fighting for later, I still have to announce the others.

Bonney turns her head in anger.

Bonney: Idiot.

Y/N: Brat.

Announcer: Thank you. From the grand music archipelago is Scratchmen Apoo and King of the Musical Dragons guild.

Y/N: King, what a weird name.

Erza: He doesn't even look human.

You and Erza stare at King, who turns his gaze to the both of you. You glare at each other before returning your attention to the Announcer.

Announcer: From Skypiea we have the Fallen Monks guild with Urouge and Pacifista.

Y/N: Those are some large people, they put Elfman to shame.

Announcer: And last but not least, from the far and newly built region, Enies region we have the Magician's Eye guild with Basil Hawkins and Hattori.

Y/N: Hattori? That name sounds familiar but where have I heard that name before?

You look at Hattori, who seems to be completely covered in amour with an unusual mask.

Announcer: The first challenge will be simply a test of strength!

Suddenly various orbs appear, one for each wizard.

Announcer: One each, you can do whatever you like as long as you strike the orb and only one orb. Whoever gets the top two highest will be put forward for the daily fight.

Y/N: This will be easy. I'll just have to try and not cut anyone's orbs but my own.

Bonney: Good luck with that.

Y/N: Will you shut it, you annoying brat!

Erza: You two really don't seem to like each other.

Y/N: Don't blame me, she doesn't stop her whining about her stupid sail.

Erza sighs before using Requip to change into her black wing amour and slashing her slightly haki coated sword against the orb while you swipe a single sword vertically without coating it in haki. You look around to see people using various attacks, some strange and some so powerful that you smirk.

Y/N: Looks like the brat is the last one to attack the orb.

The whole crowd along with you and the other Supernovas watch Bonney as she flows pink and kicks the orb.

Y/N: What did she do?

Erza: I'm not sure.

Announcer: Ok it looks like our daily fight will be Erza Scarlet versus Eustass Kid.

Kid: So your the famous Titania Erza, queen of the fairies. I hear your one of the strongest in Fiore.

Announcer: But before our daily challenge we have another trial of strength but this time, there is a winner who will win their guild a point.

Makarov: So the point system is much lower in the Supernova Games.

Announcer: The rules are simple, one member from each guild will see who can lift the most boulders at once, the one who can carry the most wins.

Y/N: I'll take this challenge.

Erza: As you wish.

Bonney: Don't let that dumbass beat you, Cracker!

Cracker: Who do you think your talking to, I have more strength in one finger than he does in total!

You close your eyes in annoyance.

Y/N: Stupid brat.

Announcer: The contestants for this challenge are: Cracker, Y/N, Kid, Gotti, Bepo, King, Hattori, Urouge and Page One!

You each start of holding one boulder with ease and one by one the amount of boulders increase, Bepo fails after three, Gotti after five, Hattori after seven, Kid and Page One after twenty, Urouge after forty, Cracker after forty five, you after seventy and King wins and doesn't fail until around a hundred.

Announcer: One point to the Musical Dragons guild. King wins! He managed to hold a hundred boulders, incredible!

The crowd cheers for King as you stand next to Erza sweating.

Y/N: Sorry, I probably should have tried harder.

Erza: It's fine, you managed to carry seventy and you came second, it was still impressive and it isn't over yet.

You smile at Erza as you wrap your arm around Erza and pull her closer to kiss her forehead.

Y/N: You always know how to cheer me up.

Bonney: Dammit, you lost to that dolt!

Cracker: He got lucky. Next time I will wipe the floor with him.

Announcer: I hope your ready folks, time for the daily battle! Erza Scarlet of Fairy tail versus Eustass Kid of Colossal Power!

Zoro male reader x Erza ScarletWhere stories live. Discover now