Chapter 3

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Even though I had booked most of my week off with time in the studio, I know I can't do it anymore. My symptoms have turned into a full-blown cold and sore throat, leaving me almost unable to talk and feeling miserable. So, I call in and tell everyone that I can't come into the studio this week.

I lie in bed with a cup of tea and a package of throat lozenges on my bedside table. Batman and Ella are also on my bed. I'm watching reality TV trying to get my mind of the burning pain in my throat and my stuffed-up nose.

My phone vibrates beside me, and I turn it on to check my text notifications.

MOM: Are you still feeling sick?
DEMI: Yeah

Sniffling sends me into another coughing fit, and I hold my throat wishing there was a magical way to make the pain disappear.

MOM: I'm coming over with some soup
DEMI: Okay, thanks :)

By the time my mom arrives, I've scared the dogs away with my coughing and my tea is gone. Mom immediately feels my forehead, even though I know I don't have a fever; it's just an awful cold. I probably got it from someone at The Voice.

"Here's some soup, Demi," Mom says. "Are you up to talking?"

I take the bowl and spoon from her and swallow some soup before replying, "I guess." My voice sounds scratchy.

"How's it going with The Voice?" she asks.

"My team's great." My voice cracks, and I quickly swallow some more soup to try to ease the pain.

"We don't have to talk, Demi. I just haven't spent time with you in a while. Do you want me to stay with you longer?"

"I think I'm alright if you want to go," I half-whisper.

"Okay. Get better soon."


Luckily, within four days, I start to feel a lot better; all that's left is a lingering cough. I invite my Voice team over two days before the show starts up again. Unfortunately, Sam also got sick, and she could not make it. 

I call her once the rest of my team leaves.

"I heard you got the same sickness I had," I say into the phone once she picks up.

"Yeah," she replies. "It's miserable."

"I'm just calling to say that I hope you feel better soon."

"Thank you, Demi." Her voice is raspy and strained, just as mine had been. I feel bad for her.

"Bye, Sam."



Once the battle rounds are over, each team has eight members. I'd stolen two eliminated singers: one from Kelly's team and one from Blake's team, filling my team by the third day of the battles. 

I am very happy with my team, even though I wish I hadn't had to eliminate any of my old members either. I am preparing each member of my team to win the competition. If one of my singers was to win the competition, it would be amazing.

After a few days break, it is time for the Live Cross Battles. Sam isn't sick anymore, and I've been training with her over video chat daily. I had chosen Sam to battle a singer from Adam's team before she got sick, so I have to make sure she is ready. Sam and a singer named Vanessa will be doing their Live Cross Battle eighth today. I am going to have two other singers competing today as well, and I am nervous. The artists that move on are based on votes, and I really hope Sam makes it through. Plus, it takes a day before the battle winners are announced; I already know I won't be sleeping much tonight.

A 19 year old male on my team named Carter is part of the second battle of the day. We were on the "challenged" side, challenged by Blake's team. As part of the forth battle of the day, one of my singers, Lisa, is singing with one of Kelly's team members. They both do incredible, and I'm glad to have them on my team.

When Sam and Vanessa's turn comes, I grow more nervous. I relate to Sam the most of everyone on my team, and I know losing could really hurt her.

They sing "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion, and it is probably the most beautiful version of the song I've ever heard.


Carter lost his battle, but otherwise, everyone from my team that went the first day won. The next session of Live Cross Battles, though, three more members of my team lose their battles. I use my save to bring back Reagan. Plus, I steal a singer from Adam's team who lost against a member of Blake's team named Kim.

"I'm so proud of you guys!" I congratulate my team once the Live Cross Battles are finished. "You've all done amazing so far."


Later that evening, I am sitting in my bedroom watching reality television like any other average evening. That is when I realize, I've started becoming numb again. Sure, I'm happy for my team, but I don't feel that happiness at all. I tell myself that I'm just going through a little phase and I'll be fine soon. But, when I don't even feel enough to enjoy playing with Batman and Ella, I know something is wrong.

I call Sirah. 

"Why do you think you feel this way?" she asks.

"Maybe I'm bored? But, I'm busy with The Voice; that shouldn't be it."

"Have you tried spending more time with your team?"

"A little," I reply. "I'm probably just tired. Thanks for talking though, Sirah."

"No problem."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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