Another 10 years later.

Start from the beginning

I still remember playing tag with her in the house in London, that day that our parents said they were ending the band.

I still remember the days I wouldn't talk to her, she would just sit in my room as a would draw. she would tell me her problems, and about the boys she liked.

I remember the time she told me her boyfriend cheated on her, and she cried for hours. I remember once she stopped crying I went to go beat him up.

I remember ten years ago, when everyone came over to the house for are yearly visit. I got Zayn to come in my room, and I asked him if I could ask her out.

Form there, we become history.

Lily looks up at me, and she smiles. my sister hands her a bright pink paper, and I smile.

"I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience love demands. to speak when words are needed, and to share the silence when there not. and to live within the warmths of your heart, and always call it home." lily says tearing up, and I allow a few tears to fall down my face.

To think this was the girl that I ran around the house with, the one with those little pigtails I used to pull.

Now, she's my girl. my, wife.

We place our rings on each others fingers, and seal our love with a kiss. everyone cheers. they all stand up, and we all walk down the aisle.

Heading into the tent, people follow behind, and the DJ starts playing music.

Lilly's heels get thrown off, and I laughs at her.

"I never did want to wear these things." She says putting her arms around me, then giving me a kiss.

Everyone dances, everyone laughs, and everyone I grew up with is here.

Parrie and Zayn's other kid, Tyson. He's 21 now. Aunt Eleanor and uncle Louis's kids Mike and Steven. The crazy twins are 20. Aunt Sofia and uncle Liam's three kids, Abby, Luke, and Mia. Abby now being 20, Luke who's 17 and Mia who is 15. And Uncel Harry and aunt Brookie's Paul, he's 20 too.

They all run over to lily and I, and we take a big group picture.

My dad told me about the day of his wedding, and he told me about his speech.

I haven't really been good with words, or music, drawings always been my thing.

So for the past 7 or 8 weeks, I have spent them scalping something for lily. I have tried my best, and I really hope she likes it.

It's two people standing hand in hand, and their floating on a cloud. on the bottom it reads dreams do come true, so I'm staying on this cloud. with you.


"So, we all know I'm not good with words, but I'm in love with art. almost as much as I love with my beautiful bride." I say lifting up my wine glass, and looking down at her.

"This is for you sweetie." I say, and Charlie pushes in the sculpting.

Her eyes fill up with tears, and you hear every one awe. I do now think I did a good job on it, I didn't think so at first.

She stands up and gives me a kiss, then I wipe some of her tears away.

After a few drinks, and everyone finishes eating desert, Zayn stands up to say is speech.

He taps his wine glass, and everyone looks up at him. he smiles, then begins.

"I remember when lily was just born, she was born almost a year after shawn. they used to run around the houses together, always calling each other brother and sister. she used to get mad that he didn't play dolls with her, but soon they were put away. They started school together, finished it together. ended up going to different high schools, but we're still close." Zayn says and I smile at him, I know where this is going to well.

"They were brothers and sisters, known of us would think they would get married. we went over one day, and we told me about this art piece. it was lily he was taking about, ever since then, I knew this day would happen. congrats, welcome to the family." He says, and a tear falls down my face. I knew she was the one long before. There was something about her.

The night carries on, and we have the time of or life's. Zayn, Uncel harry, and the rest of the Uncels get up on stage, half wasted. they start singing, and they start dancing.

I look over at my mom, and shes not paying attention like she used to. I walk over to her sitting down, and she smiles at me.

"Since when could your father sing, since when could they all sing." she chuckles at me, and I frown.

These words make me know I don't have much left with her, she's said similar things before. nothing like this.

I give her a kiss, and take her hand to the dance floor.

"They always could." I say dancing with my mother.

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes, and I frown.

"I don't remember." she says putting her head on my chest, a few tears fall, and I think back to when I was little.

I wonder if gramma and gramps would be proud of me, they always did like lily. I miss them.

Soon people leave, and we say our goodbyes. We gives hugs and kisses, take our pictures with people, and share some more laughs.

"Be safe, and have fun." Parrie and my mom yell at us, then we hop in the car waving goodbye.

"You ready miss.horan?" I ask taking her hand as we sit, the place a kiss on her forehead.

"Yes, yes I am mr.horan." she says smiling.

Mr. Miss.Horan. lily and shawn, shawn and lily. us. I like it.

I give her one last kiss before she puts her head on my shoulder, and I put mine on hers.

We soon drift off to sleep. happily, ever after.

(Holy shit! One more left! Sorry this was short, I have lots of things to do today. running around seeing family, birthday fun:) hope you guys have a great Christmas, and a happy new year. love you all! Then next chapter will be many years later by the way, enjoy!)

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