The stripper & Harry Styles

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I'm so sorry for the long wait! my laptop broke, and I had 6 days of no power because of Hurricane Sandy! I promise to make this chapter good for the long wait, hope you enjoy! (:

The Stripper & Harry Styles.

Angela's POV

He stood there waiting for an answer, I bit my bottom lip and avoided looking in his eyes, "No. She's out tonight." I lied hoping he won't regonize my voice, he didn't answer at first. I took a quick glance and he looked in thought, "sorry." I whispered backing away slowly.

"Wait, don't leave. Please." I stood still, my back facing him. "What?" my voice came out slightly harsh, but strangly I didn't regret that. "Want to hang out?" I stared at him surprised. He just "met" me and he wants me to hang out with him. "I'm working." He shrugged, "after?" I bit my lip, opening my mouth to say 'no.' I stopped myself, maybe I could have a little fun with this. I smiled a bit, "Sure. Meet me here at 10." He gave me his usual cheeky smile and nodded. "Alright." He gave me a wink and went back to the guys.

Walking back to the dressing room I sat down, I thought I was the only girl he talked to. But he doesn't know this is me, and he is already acting all cheeky and asking me to hang out. My stomach started to hurt. What if he says all the same things he did, when he knew it was me? Or maybe he does know its me, and is playing stupid.

10;00 finally came around, changing into my normal clothes I didn't take off my mask, hoping he doesn't ask me to take it off. I don't want him to know it's me. Walking out into the club and there he was, in the exact spot we talked hours before. "Let's go." I said with a smile, he looked at me weird. "Aren't you going to take off the mask?" I bit my lip, what do I say?

"No." "Why not?" Opening the door feeling the wind slap my face, I looked back at him and winked. "If you knew who I was, that wouldn't be so fun now, wouldn't it?" I smiled at his cute face, hoping he wouldn't ask more about the mask. "So where do you want to go?"

I shrugged, "let's just walk around I guess." He nodded and we walked in silence, "You're British right?" I asked, and he smiled "Yea, how did you know?" I chuckled, "Your accent." "Oh yea, that's probably obvious." "Why are you here in America then?" I stared at his face, wondering if he would tell me he was in a band.

"Visiting family." Ha! So he's lying. Maybe we can both play the lying game.

"You know, you look alot like someone I know." He said staring at me, crap! I kept it cool. "Oh yea?" He nodded, "You have the same hair, same lips, same everything." he smiled saying that, I blushed slightly, thank God he can't see it though!

"Who is she?" "She is this beautiful girl, but it's not just that. She has a sense of humor most girls don't have, she is mysterious. She could light up anyone's mood just by smiling, there is just something about her. Something, that drives me crazy. I can't stop thinking about her." I stood quiet, he feels that way about me? Butterflies decided to party inside my stomach at the moment, I tried hard to keep the smile off my face, but I couldn't. "She sounds like a nice person." I said still smiling, Harry likes me!

"She is." "Do you love her?" He looked at me slightly, then at the ground. "I don't know." "Sorry, i'm telling you my love story, and I barely know you." I chuckled, "It's fine." "Where are you from? Like heritage?" I bit my lip, should I tell the truth? Or lie?

"I'm Brazilian."

Yup, lying it is. He look surprised, "Really?" I nodded "Can you speak portugease?" I bit ,my lip, crap! "No, my mom never taught me, and my dad never bothered." He nodded, Harry definetly doesn't like the 'mysterious me' he likes, the real me.

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