Stripper & Harry Styles

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Sorry for the late upload guys!  as said before 


    Angela's POV

   "What are we doing at funstation? This place is for little kids."  I chuckled at how frustrated Niall was, it hasn't even been 15 minuets and he was complaining.  Have to get to the full hour angela.

"Just shut up, I'm not going to bring you to the little kid arcade!"  I said grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the back, opening a door I smiled proudly.  

  "Lasertag?"  He said amused.  I nodded excitedly.  "Don't we need like a couple more people to play?"  I nodded, "but today - it's just me and you Irish boy! now get ready so we can play."  putting on my "equipment" I guess you could call it, and I grabbed my "laser gun"  

  "ready whenever you are!"  Niall shouted from across the room, I nodded.  The lights flickered off and the neon lights flickered on.  

   Oh it's on!

    I ran towards my right, hiding behind a fake rock.  I saw Niall walking towards the area where I once stood, ha! he didn't see me.  Taking the time, I jumped out and "shot" him.  "hey! that's not fair, you can't creep on me!"  He shouted, what a baby!  "Who said I couldn't?"  I said taking advantage that he was completly vunerable and taking my chance with getting him!  "You aren't fair!"


  Harry's POV

 I wonder what they are doing.  I paced nervously back in forth in my bedroom, Would she ever cheat on me with him?  I stopped and laughed.  She isn't that kind of girl, I trust her completly.  I looked at the time on my watch.  


 just 25 more minuets until I can hold her in my arms again.

  ~Niall's POV

   I watched Angela as she took off her gear, her black hair hiding her face.  To be honest, I expected to hate this.  To continue to hate her, but I don't.  

   I replayed us playing laser tag only minuets before, I realized she was a really fun person to be around.

    "Ready?  I'm up for some icecream now!"  She said standing up holding out a hand.  I looked up into her chocolate brown eyes, they twinkled happily. 

   Grabbing her hand I hoisted myself up nodding my head, "Let's go."  We walked out of the little kids place side by side quietly.  I don't think words were needed at this point.  Was she enjoying this as much as I was?  Or is she just putting up with me because she has to?  Strangly I wanted to get to know her better.  I didn't want this hour to end.

  ~Angela's POV

"two scoops of cookie dough please, and 3 scoops of cupcake in a cup."  I ordered to the man working behind the counter, he smirked at me after scooping up my icecream.  after handing it over he glanced over at Niall who was ordering his icecream.  "Is he your boyfriend?"  He pointed him out with his nose.  I shook my head, take my money and stop talking to me dude.

     "Good, because I bet I could show you a good time."  He winked and I decided to play along.  Biting the icecream off the spoon, I watched him from under my eyelashes as I licked my lips.  I leaned in bringing my mouth next to his ear.  "You know what?  I bet..."  I paused for a moment.  "I bet, you could fucking take my money so I could leave."  I said not even whispering anymore.  He looked surprise and quietly and quickly put my money in the cash register and walked to the back.  

  "Hey, it's 5;50 we should start heading home."  I shouted over to Niall, I walked out the store and decided to wait for him in the car.  

   Today. . .

  Today was pretty interesting.


It's short, I know.  But I didn't get my 10 comments, or 50 reads on my other book! So the chapters will stay short until I get those comments and reads.  Was this a boring chapter guys?  COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK.  Please don't be scared to comment anything, even if you don't like it.  I enjoy reading every single comment.  Even the mean ones.  


Blurb ;

  Imagine getting kidnapped.  Not imagine getting kidnapped by accident.

*not edited.

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