The Stripper & Harry Styles

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So This chapter is going to be long like I promised! (: Omggg school starts tomorrow D; I don't think I can upload as much as I am now that school is starting but I promise I will upload as much as I can! I'm loving the comments, and wow! I actually got over 1,000 reads on this! 

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Chapter 9 

The Stripper & Harry Styles.

~~Angela's P.O.V~~

   Blinking my eyes open I felt like I was strapped onto the bed, I didn't want to move, my muscles ached.  Why? I didn't do anything yesterday to be sore.  I decided to get up and check on mom.

   Wait, I don't have a bathroom in my room? Or a walk in closet full of guys clothes...

  I'm not in my house. 


   Before opening my mouth to scream the door burst open making me squeal in fright.  Staring at the door; Zayn,Liam,Niall,& Louis were all shirtless and they had big smiles on their faces as they walked in sitting at the corner of the bed.  What the hell?

  Even Niall looked happy.

  No one spoke, I glanced at the mirror and I felt like dying right there on the spot.  My hair was everywhere! And I looked pale, So pretty much I look and feel like crap on a stick.  

  "Why am I still here?" My voice was husky from sleep, "Because Harry didn't think you were stable enough to be home by yourself."  Niall muttered, why was he being nice to me? He usually shot me dirty glares, and spit out sarcastic remarks after everything I say.  My mouth just formed an 'O' shape.

  "But I live with my mom. She is probably worried sick about me" I lied, I wanted to go home.  Ha! My mom probably didn't even know I was gone.  "Oh really? We thought you lived by yourself" Zayn said looking at me with big eyes I chuckled but then stopped immediately when I smelt my morning breath.  Oh God, I can use my breath to kill someone! 

    "Let me brush my teeth before I kill you guys" I said covering my mouth and walking towards the bathroom, I saw one toothbrush and used it not thinking much of it.

  Walking out with a clean mouth Louis was hitting Liam with a pillow and the poor guy couldn't do anything since Louis pinned him ontop.  Louis saw me walked out and jumped off, "Let's prank Harry! He is still sleeping!" He said jumping up and down and I grinned, this is going to be fun.

  "Okay, but how are we going to prank him?" I asked and all the boys gave me an evil look and I was slowly regretting agreeing to this.  


  "Hide it in there! I'll go get the glowing stuff" Zayn whispered as he headed out the door, I hid the alarm clock under his wardrobe.  "Okay anything else I have to hide?" I whispered at Niall and he shook his head.  "Okay that's the last one!" Liam whispered/shouted across the room, I covered my mouth trying not to laugh as I glanced at Harry's bed.  I only saw a couple of his curls sticking out while the rest of him is covered in a bunch of wet toilet paper.  Zayn came through the door with a bucket of light green stuff.  Since it was still a little dark we decided not to turn on the lights.

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