The stripper & Harry Styles

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here's chapter 3! I got some feedback on the last chapter and it made me really  happy! the more feedback the faster, and more I upload ;D anyways enjoy!

  Chapter 3

The Stripper & Harry Styles.

   ~~Angela's P.O.V

      I stared at my mother passed out on the couch with a beer bottle in her hand threatening to fall.  I stared at her and felt shame, and disappointment.  I headed to the kitchen of the small apartment and put away the groceries, I made myself a sand which and headed to my room.

       I opened the door and looked around, it was a plain room.  The walls were white, there was a full sized bed in the corner of the room, a small nightstand stood next to it.  That was pretty much the only furniture I had, I couldn't get much else.  Everything was too expensive.  Taking a bite out of my sandwhich I grabbed my pyjamas and headed to the bathroom ready to take a good shower. 

          I stripped down heading into the small shower, I cranked up the water as hot as it could go and took the soap and started scrubbing my body hard that I was red making me looked like I was badly burnt in the sun.  I did this feeling like I could wash away my emotions down the drain.  The disgust with myself, in everything I do everyday.  But I knew better than that, I finished washing my hair and got out wrapping myself around an old towel with a few holes here and there. 

     Slipping on my pj's and brushing my teeth I didn't bother with my hair just tying it up into a messy bun at the top of my bed and practically crawled to the bed.  I felt exhausted,disgusted,and ashamed.  I worried about my mother as I stared at the plain white ceiling.  I probably should of woken her up and fed her, or atleast wrap a blanket around her.  I suddenly felt like a horrible daughter, I swallowed what seemed to be like a big ball of guilt down my throat and focused on something else.

     Soon I didn't see the plain white ceiling no more, I saw a pair of green eyes that I soon adored.  They had a sparkle in them, they were so full of life.  I suddenly felt jealous.  but it was soon pushed away to an unfamiliar feeling at the pit of my stomach, I didn't know what it was and chose to ignore it.  I slid in my almost broken headphones in my ear and listened to the music that softly played.  

     As hard as I tried to fall asleep I couldn't.  I finally gave up and decided to go out for a run, I glanced at the clock and saw it was 4 a.m I shrugged it off and slipped on black yoga pants and a white tank top.  I left my hair the way it is and grabbed my Ipod tip toeing past my mom and towards the front door.  Praying that the door didn't creak but of course it decided to creak as loud as it can, I cursed under my breath and glanced over at my mother, she was still asleep and didn't look like she would wake up anytime soon.  

   I closed the door locking it behind me and starting walking down the steps of the apartment and was soon outside in the breeze.  The air was warm with a cold breeze, I liked it though.  It calmed me I guess.  I started running blasting music through my Ipod.  I started thinking about Harry, he looked so cute in the supermarket today, I mentally slapped myself.

  Don't let anybody in. 

   I shook my head and started running faster, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.  My hair wooped behind me and my heartbeat was going faster than I think it should be, I heard the blood pounding in my ears, but did it stop me? 


   I continued running until I gave up and crumbled down on the floor, I took short and ragged breath and my legs ached.  Feeling slightly lightheaded I felt a presence behind me.

       I turned around and saw nothing, I felt slightly disappointed and relief.  Disappointed because I was sort of hoping I would randomly find Harry here like I did at the groceries.  But then again, its like 5 or 6 A.M.

   I laughed at myself for being rediculous he is just a guy you met at work, you don't know him.  He could be a rapist for all I know, I mentally chuckled at the thought.  I finally gained enough strength to get up and start heading back home, It was getting lighter out, I listened to the song 'Shot for me' by Drake.

   His lyrics soothed me, almost gave me a peaceful feeling.



annnnnnnnnnnd there's chapter 3! hope you enjoyed it! yea, some mistakes in there sorry! & I know it was short../:

  Vote, comment! fan! and all that good stuff  


"You are my drug, that I don't mind taking." 

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