The Fall of Kaecilius (Final - Long)

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I used my sling ring and created a portal back to Kamar-Taj to see Mordo standing in the rubble

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I used my sling ring and created a portal back to Kamar-Taj to see Mordo standing in the rubble.

"She's dead" Stephan said glumly.

"You were right. She wasn't who I thought she was" Mordo replied plainly.

"She was complicated" I said.

"Complicated?" He said, gesturing to the rubble. "The Dark Dimension is volatile. Dangerous. What if it overtook her? She taught us it was forbidden... while she drew on its power to steal centuries of life."

"She did what she thought was right" Stephan replied, trying to reason.

"The bill comes due. Don't you see? Her transgressions led the Zealots to Dormammu. Kaecilius was her fault! And here we are... in the consequence of her deception. A world on fire" Mordo ranted.

"Mordo, The London Sanctum has fallen. The New York one has been attacked twice. You know where they're going next" I said.

"Hong Kong" Mordo answered.

"You told me once to fight like my life depended on it because someday it might. Well, todays that day. We cannot defeat them alone" I said and he nodded vaguely, Stephan then opened a portal to Hong Kong and we passed through.

Though on the other side was horrific, corpses littered the streets while others fleeing, buildings were on fire, it was apocalyptic.

"The Sanctums already fallen" Stephan said as we looked up to see the Dark Dimension starting to devour the city.

"The Dark Dimension" Mordo said in shock.

"Dormammu is coming" I whispered between the three of us.

"It's too late" Mordo said, looking at Kaecilius with the rest of us. "Nothing can stop him."

"Not necessarily" Stephan said, unlocking the eye. I felt myself being controlled, it felt like a force pulling me backwards.

Then Stephan pointed at me, bringing me back into the present, same with Mordo. I watched as everything was working in reverse, it was spectacular.

"The spells working. We've got a second chance" Stephan said as we started running to the Sanctum. I turned around just as a railing tried to hit Stephan, but the cloak pulled him out of the way.

However Kaecilius and his Zealots found a way to break the spell as he kicked Stephan.

"Stephan!" I yelled as Kaecilius started attacking him.

"Well well" I turned to see a Zealot with brown hair.

"Vanessa" I said with a smirk. "I was wondering when I'd see you."

"Well here I am" she smirked coming at me.

I slashed her with my blades, jumping out of the way as a car came over the top of me.

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