A Strange Guest

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*This is your Kamar-Taj outfit unless you wanna change*

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*This is your Kamar-Taj outfit unless you wanna change*

You were walking down the corridor to your apartment that you shared with your boyfriend. You always dreaded having to come home, though today you mustered the courage to finally break up with him. You opened the door and went inside.

"Your finally home, what took you so long?" (Bf/n - boyfriends name) asked, irritation evident in his tone.

"Sorry, hospital kept me back late" I lied, trying to convince him.

"I called and they said you got off 2 hours ago" he replied angrily, making his way towards me.

"Decided to take a stroll before coming home" I said, technically not lying.

"Whatever. Make dinner" he spat, walking towards the couch.

"Actually" I said, making him turn around, a scowl on his features. "I- we have to talk."

"About?" He growled in a dangerously low voice.

"About us. I'm... breaking up with you (bf/n), I can't keep doing this shit" I replied, my voice getting sharper in tone. As a response he laughed bitterly, creating a threatening atmosphere.

"You really think you can do that" he spat, coming closer, making me edge towards the door.

"I can't keep doing this. You constantly abuse me, make me feel like I'm worthless, my mind and body can't take it anymore!" I snapped, releasing my anger. He then glared dangerously at me, approaching in a dominating way.

"You will stay" he growled and I gulped, deciding now was the best time to run. I quickly unlocked the handle, running out the door and down the stairs, (bf/n) right behind me. He caught up to me, grabbing my hair and steering me into a wall, dizziness taking over.

He then threw me to the ground violently, his soulless eyes piercing into my once lively and happy ones. He repeatedly punched my body, leaving bruising and broken bones in his path of wrath. I could tell this time was different then the others, I saw a glint of evil shine in his eyes as he had no intention on stopping. With every painful punch I felt my consciousness fading, trying to steady the unimaginable pain I was going through. After a few minutes my body was broken in many ways, leaving me hopeless. He then looked into my eyes once more, smirking maliciously.

"You should have shut up" he spat, punching my face hard.

I bolted upright, my body sweaty and my brain numb. I felt that familiar pit in my stomach, true fear and pain from reliving the most terrifying moment of my life.

"Not again" I mumbled. I am constantly haunted by my past, it seems that no matter how long I stay here I can't forget the past.

I decided to get dressed (outfit above) and return my books to the library, maybe seeing Wong would make me feel better.

Timeskip to after your changed

After I changed I grabbed the books and headed out of my room, the fresh crisp air filling my nose and calming me instantly.

I enjoyed the view while I strolled the halls, smiling at people as I passed, making my way to the library with about 6 advanced books in my hands.

I pushed the doors opened with my back, turning and walking through and smiling widely at one of my best friends, Wong.

"Hey Wong" I said cheerfully and he smiled in return.

"Hello (Y/n), finished already?" He asked kindly.

"Of course I am" I smirked. "Kinda my thing."

We both chuckled at my ridiculous humour and he took the books, placing them to the side.

"Got anything else for me?" I asked excited and he pondered a moment.

"Honestly (Y/n) I think the only books you haven't read in this library is the Ancient Ones collection" he said and I gave a mischievous smirk back.

"No, absolutely not" he said sternly and I groaned.

"Awwww come on Wong, were besties, doesn't that mean anything?" I whined and he just shook his head, laughing lightly.

"Only that your a lucky person" he replied humorously.

"Ha ya very funny Wong" I replied sarcastically. "But-"

I was interrupted by the library doors opening and revealing my other best friend, Mordo.

"Hey Mordo, whats up?" I asked and he approached me.

"The Ancient One has called for you" he replied and I nodded in understanding, turning to Wong.

"This conversation isn't over yet" I said, pointing to the man.

"I know it isn't" he replied dreadfully.

"Cya" I said waving, him returning the gesture. Once out of the library I turned to Mordo.

"So what does she want me for?" I asked confused.

"You'll find out when we get there" he replied.

"Wow could you be any more vague?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes I can" he smirked and I let out an airy laugh, cracking a smile in the process.

Timeskip to arriving to the Ancient One

Mordo and I walked around the corner, heading down the last corridor. I could hear two voices, one was obviously the Ancient One's but the other also seemed familiar.

"Where do I know that voice from?" I thought.

We then stood at the door I made myself known.

"Hello ma'am, you asked for me?" (I don't really know what else to call her 😂) I asked, peering into the room. I didn't even pay attention to the man, giving my respect to the Supreme Sorcerous.

"Hello Miss (L/n), yes I did, I would like you to train Mr. Strange here, I believe you capable of such a task" she replied and my mouth hung open, eyes widened.


That's the end of the first chapter, I hope you liked it and I'll see you next update. Until then.

~ A. G

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