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I was waking with Mordo and Wong, helping train the other newbies, Stephan included. I felt kinda bad because he couldn't seem to do anything.

Once the lesson was over he stormed off and I went after him.

"Strange" I said and he stopped, turning to look at me.

"What?" He asked angrily.

"You'll get there, don't beat yourself up okay? It takes time" I said kindly, for the first time in a while to be honest.

"When?!" He snapped and I sighed.

"It's a tricky process, it takes time, varying for everyone" I responded.

"Bullshit! It's because of my hands!" He snapped again and I sighed in irritation.

"How many times have I told you it has nothing to do with your hands?!" I snapped back.

"Just leave me alone!" He yelled before storming off.

"You can't blame yourself" I turned to see Mordo smiling. "He's a difficult recruit but you'll get through to him."

"Once he drops his ego" I said and Mordo nodded.

Timeskip to next day (I don't know if it's the next day or not, the cut scene doesn't say so I'll assume it is)

I was training the others with Mordo again today we were teaching them about sling rings.

"Mastery of the sling ring is essential to the mystic arts. They allow us to travel throughout the Multiverse" Mordo explained.

"All you need to do is focus. Visualise. See the destination in your mind. Look beyond the world in front of you. Imagine every detail" I instructed.

I then noticed Stephan was only getting little sparks so I looked at him while walking past. "The clearer the picture, the quicker and easier... the gateway will come."

"And stop" Mordo said and I gave Stephan a sympathetic look.

"I would like a moment alone with Mr. Strange" The Ancient One said, Master Hamir along side her.

"Of course" Mordo and I said, standing back. I looked back to see her and Stephan walk through a portal.

I then saw the Ancient one walk out, without Stephan.

"How's our new recruit?" Mordo asked, both of us walking towards the Ancient One.

"We shall see" she responded. "Any second now."

"Oh no not again" Mordo mumbled.

"Maybe I should..." I said, grabbing my sling ring but the Ancient One stopped me.

A few minutes had past and Stephan still hasn't returned, making a pit grow in my stomach. I twirled my sling ring, nerves eating away at me.

Then suddenly a portal appeared and Stephan collapsed into the courtyard, shivering with icicles everywhere. My eyes widened as I ran to him, wrapping my arms around him and standing us up.

Strange? (Dr. Stange x Reader) - (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now