Chapter fifteen

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I pulled up to ruby's house and hopped out. When i walked up to door it was already open. I still knocked before i walked in. The smell of smoke fillied my nose before i even saw her. Ruby and her boyfriend sat on the couch watching murry and smoking weed. And before i could say a word i saw my son on the floor crying his eyes out. I really hated seeing my son like this so i went and picked him up off the floor. His eyes quickly stuck to me like he was glued. I walked over beside the couch and grabbed the baby bag. Before even talking to ruby I walked out the door with jr. in my arms. I buckled him down in his car seat and ran around to the driver seat. I started up the car and texted kay before i pulled off.

Me: I'm on my with somebody i want you to meet please don't be mad.

I said before looking back at jr. and throwing my phone into the passenger seat. I quickly pulled off before I could see if she repiled. I drove back to the house and i saw kay sitting on the front step. She quickly jumped in the car and kissed my cheeck. At first she didn't see jr. in the back seat but when he started crying she jumped and was shocked. She looked confused when she heard him. She leaned back and grabbed jr. at first I was surprised that she even touched him. She held him close and there eyes made contact. Jr. quickly stopped crying it was blue vs. green and she was winning.


When i hopped in the car i saw jay looking cute as always. But when it sounded like a baby was crying i was hoping that I just imagining it. But when i turned around i saw him. There was a little boy who looked just like jay. But jay had never told me about him i reached back to the boy and he just looked at me. He was silent and he stopped crying. His gaze was locked on me and he didn't even move a inch. And when i tried to put him back in his seat he screamed at the top of his little lungs. So i grabbed him again. The rest of the ride was slient while i held what i guessed was his baby. It was awkward and tense and i honestly only had one question.

"When were you gonna tell me?" I asked trying not to make eye contact with jay. At first he was quite and he just looked ahead.

"When i thought you were ready." He said trying hard not to look at me.  Jay knew that that wasn't what i wanted to hear. And that's why he stopped the car so i thought. I looked out the window to see us parked in front of this big house.

"Where are we?" I asked while stepping out of the car. And grabbing the baby's car seat.

"My parent's house i thought you should meet them." He said grabbing thebaby out of my arms the baby was quite until i rang the door bell.

"He just needs to be changed." Jay said giving me a chill out kinda look. But i wasn't worried about the baby i was worried about his parents.

I'm in love with a thug(COMPLETED) BEING EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now