Chapter two

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When the smoke cleared I could see the guys face he seemed calm. Even with my loud voice yelling in his face. Most likely cause of all of the weed he smoked in my car. I slowly looked at the girl and she was so much higher then he was. She was definitely on cloud nine and there was no way I could talk her done from that. "How did you get my car!" He quickly shook his head as if he was trying to focus. He coughed then tired to talk. "The key was in it." He said slowly nodding as if I had already said something back. Of course I don't remember leaving my keys but that also isn't an invite to steal my car. At this point I've missed three classes in a row. Though it may not all be his fault he's who I'm gonna blame for my parents killing me later.

"I'm sorry shawty. If I knew it was yours I would've taken you with it." He said clearly trying to flirt with me. At this point I can't stand him and I don't even know who he is. He slowly slid down the car door and sat on the concrete parking lot, I don't know why but I slid down and sat beside him. To me it was really funny he was so far gone and he didn't even know it, yet I still felt bad about leaving him here alone. So I sat beside him as fourth bell rung. I wanted to be mad and trust me I was but watching him I was also a little intrigued. He didn't look like a criminal or a theft in fact he was actually kind of cute. Or at least he was before he passed out on my lap. At that point I should've been done. I should've gotten up and went to class. But, we both know that's not how the story goes. I stayed part of me wanted to make sure he was ok. Plus the weed smell has got to air out of my car before I go back home. As these thoughts raced through my mind my phone went off.

Ring ring
I quickly answered the phone to hear jasmine and Kay yelling.
"Where the hell are you!"
"Look out the window."
Kay looked at me and was shocked. They both quickly ran out side and started asking me questions.
"Who is he."
"Did you knock him out."
"Who's that chick over there."

I quickly cut them off before they could ask me anything else.
"I don't know who he is and no I did not knock him out and I don't know who she is either. I just found them high in my car then he passed out on my lap."
Kay quickly pulled her phone out and took a picture. I kicked her in her knee and made her drop it.
"You even try and post that and we will fight!"See usually I am a good girl. Like prep school type of chick but if I get caught because of Kay we are going to have a whole new load of problems. The school just might call my dad because I skipped but if he finds out all of this involves some boy I don't even know. I'll be picking out head stones by the end of the day. Through all of the noise the guy on my lap slowly started to lift up. He raised his head and looked through the circle of girls looking down at him then went straight back to sleep. "Ok time to go." I said as I tried to pick him up so I could quickly move him. But, it honestly looked like I was dragging a dead body. I threw him into my passenger seat buckled his seat belt, then closed the door with a big breath. "Where are you taking him?" Jas asked. I honestly didn't know so I didn't answer her question I just ran to the drivers side and hopped in. I started blasting say goodbye by Chris brown. Which quickly woke him up.

"Where am I?" He asked looking around as if he was trying to find something.

"Some where in Charlotte." I said looking in his big brown eyes. If he hadn't stole my car we might have actually been friends by now and I just might've told him where he was.

"So wanna tell me where to take you or are you gonna let me kidnap you?" I asked. He deeply chuckled as he pulled out his phone and opened his GPS.

"Not saying I would have a problem with a kidnapping, but you can follow the GPS it'll show you how to get there." He said with a smart tone.

"I figured that much. That is how a GPS works!" I said back in the same smart tone.

"Turn that crap off." He said holding his head like the song was hurting him. He slowly looked at my phone and scoffed. By now drunk texting by Chris brown was playing I started to giggle as I turned to controlla by drake. He seemed to like that better. I started to dance a little to the song as he started to sing the song. "You like it when I get aggressive tell you to." "Go slower go faster." We sung together. I felt like myself beside him I don't know if it was because he was a complete stranger, or if the weed smell was starting to affect my brain.

"By the way my name is ty."

"I'm Kayla it's nice to officially meet you I guess."

About 4 songs later we finally pulled up to this ware house place and he told me to hop out. This another one of those time where I don't know why I listened I just know that I did. He hit this button a little bigger then a door bell and the door opened. I slowly walked in super close behind, not only was I scared but there were a lot of guys were in there. They were all looking at me weird as we walked through, we slowly came to a stop and he slowly grabbed my hand and lead me to a room with just one guy.

"Yo this is jay stay with her while I go get some." He said motioning for me to sit on the couch.
"This yo new chick." Jay asked. He just gave him this look like no.
"But if you touch her I will hurt you." He said giving him this glare that was like saying try me if you want to. As he walked out the room I got up and looked around. I saw this little latter And climbed up so I could see what was on it.

I'm in love with a thug(COMPLETED) BEING EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now