Chapter six

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Kayla isn't like any one I've ever been with. She tells me what to do and I actually want to do it. Even though I didn't wanna go to school and I usually don't go to school I went any way. Turns out if I would've went to school I would've seen her all day. We have all the same classes so I could've met her a long time ago. But we could've just been hanging out today cause I didn't learning anything and with how quick she was replying I know she wasn't paying attention. Even when I thought she wasn't Kay was always was looking out for me in these classes. She was a pro at never getting caught.
Bae😍: look up in three minutes and say four.
Me:ok I followed her instructions and the teacher looked impressed. Shawty just got me out of trouble cause I swear I'm in history class right now. After ten minutes the bell finally rang and I saw ty and some of my other friends. I quickly grabbed her hand and walked right to our table.

"Aren't we gonna get some food." She said we were almost to the table so I just turned us around and went to the front of the line. A lot of people were yelling at us but they shut up when I said I'd pay for there lunch. Kay looked at me like I was crazy for saying that but hey I didn't care. Plus I didn't wanna wait In that long line when I didn't have to. We walked through the line and kay picked my lunch for me and honestly it was a cute. She already knew what I liked and I ain't even have to let her.
"I love how you playin wifey right now." I said walking out of the line and handing the lady a hundred dollar bill. Kayla started walking back to the table fast. But I grabbed her arm and pulled her close. I looked into her big brown eyes and kissed her. After what felt like hours we began to walk back to the table.
"So you kissing my sister now?" Ty said looking super mad. I ain't dumb I know my bro feeling her but just like he said. I'm kissing his sister so he gone have to let that go.
"Ty shut up." Kay said grabbing my hand and sitting down.
"I mean you just saw me kiss her didn't you." I said putting our trays down. Honestly it won't that serious and I had no problems with ty but I guess he took it a different way.
"Yo I said don't touch her and I still mean don't touch her." He said getting up and walking around the table. As if he was going to do something about it.
"It ain't that serious man chill out." I said but next thing I knew I was getting punched in the face.
"I said don't touch her so don't touch her." He said grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the table. I grabbed his arm and punched him back. Next thing I knew there was a big crowd around us and we were having a full on fight. I quickly put him on the ground and punched him in his face. I'm sure I blacked out in the middle though. But I could here kay in the back saying
"Stop it."
Before I could get off of him the principal came and pulled me off. Ty was bleeding kind of hard and I didn't feel bad at all. He walked us both to his office and called the nurse for Ty's face. But even through all the blood I could clearly see the mean mug he was giving me.
"What is wrong with you two." The principal said looking at us both. Neither of us said anything we just looked at each other.
"Really ty what is wrong with you your supposed to be my bestfriend." I said.Ty looked down like he knew he was wrong.
"Look I'm sorry man it won't that serious and I shouldn't have punched you." Ty said I could tell he was being true.
"Ill let you off with a warning this time." The principal said we both got up and walked out the door. I saw kay standing there waiting for us both.
"Are you two ok." She said hugging us both at the same time.
"Yea." We said together.
"Don't do that again." She said slapping us both. She wrapped her arm around both our waist. I was on the right and ty was on the left. I think I love her already.
"I'm tired of this place." I said
"Well school isn't over yet." she said
"We could leave." Ty said nodding at the door.
"No......fine." She said looking kind of scared. We walked out the school doors and walked right to my car.
"Where you wanna go." I said looking at them.
"We can Stop by my house first then let's hit up the mall." Kay said

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