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When I woke up I was surprised to see that Eric was awake
" hey "
I said and got up starting to gather my things
" are you sure you have to go "
I let out a little laugh because he said in almost a child like voice
" yeah and you have to go scare the kids "
" that's not as much fun "
I went into the bathroom and got cleaned up and when I walked out there he was by the door
" Ready for the day "
" yes my love "
I gave him a kiss and opened the door and we stepped out and went our separate ways. I was walking* and thinking abiit the fact that we're engaged when Lilith and Seth fought up to me
" there you are "
She said and she had a big smile on her face
" what's got you so "
She stoped and grabbed my hand
" are you serious ... when "
" last night when I got back "
She hugged me
" congrats "
I was zoned out when a shot rang out and soon we were firing at something hiding. I was hit in the arm and somehow I fell forward and I could feel as my body fell off the platform and when I finally hit the ground it all went black.

Eric's pov
We could hear people yelling and running around in the halls. Four ran out of the room and so did I we found our way to where the people on wall duty leave from and their trucks were coming back in. I watched as people got out with blood on them but I haven't seen Carter yet. The last truck pulled in first Seth got out then he helped Lilith and then they closed the doors and she looked at me and simply said
" I'm sorry "
I had an idea of what she meant though I didn't want to believe it. We all went to the pit and we were informed that there was an attack on the wall and four people didn't make it
" the people we lost were josh, Kelley, Monroe they died on the wall and we had one go over .. and that was Carter ... I'm sorry everyone for your loss "
People kept looking back at me and I didn't care if I was crying or not. When people left I couldn't move I was frozen and Four came over
" hey I'm sorry but they said that they can't go over to get her "
I just looked at him and he hugged me and still, I couldn't move. Somehow he got me back to our apartment and as soon as he left I lost it. I smashed the few glass dish things we had for random little things. I flipped the couch and the small table by it I couldn't see because of the burning liquid running from my eyes. I bumped into the dresser and I heard glass break. I looked down and the fog cleared and I saw one of the few pictures we took together on the floor and frame beyond repair. I passed out from and the energy I used. The next day I was zoned out the entire time but still tried every time I wanted to smack one of them for doing the smallest thing wrong I could hear her voice telling me to take a deep breath. That night I got really drunk and found my way to the tattoo shop and smashed everything that had a snake on it then I found the one that she got hidden away. I hugged tight to my chest and went back to the apartment that's too big for me now and I put it on the table on the side that she'd sleep on. The yellow light that was reflected off it comforted me in a strange way I guess it made me think of her hair.

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