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Teases pov
We watched and the screen lit up she was on the other side of the wall tied to a post and a fire was starting around her she got free by burning the rope. She put her hands in a small pond of water and suddenly it was filled with snakes she grabbed a stick and lit it and waved it over the snakes and they went away. She dove into the water as the ground she was standing on was consumed by flames. She was on the edge of a building and she was looking at me and I said
" you think you can fix everything maybe you really do belong with the tree huggers "
I started to fall back and she grabbed my hand and pulled me back up and said
" the peaceful never get anything done and they would have let you fall "
She was now in a glass box and she was gasping for air and she started to kick at the opening that was sucking out the air and when it broke the screen went black. There was a woman her mom I guessing and she said with a gun in her hand
" you really think you belong with them there laughing at you we would have at least gave you a job you could handle "
" I can handle this "
She moved and got the gun from her and said
" it's all lies you're the one that can't do the job there told "
There was a snap and she turned and she was back home and she was looking at a man
" you just never learn so you "
The man charged her and he swung and she moved so it missed and then she punched him and he was on the floor and it was over.
She sat up and her time was
4 minutes and 20 seconds the fastest time yet.

Carters pov
We all stood looking at the woman in blue and she said
" Congratulations to all of you but only 10 of you can stay ... Carter, Denis, Troy, Tess, Smith, Dana, Sara, Savana, Sage, and Luke "
She walked away and the ones who didn't make it were escorted out and the rest of started congratulating each other
" go get ready for tonight Dauntless "
Four sad with a small smile on his face we all rushed out and when we got to the bunks there was a woman
" welcome fully now that you are a permanent part you will move out of here and into your own apartments but that's tomorrow's problem let's just have fun yeah "
We all got changed Tess put on a black leather dress with some heels. Troy was in a pair of skinny jeans black of course and a dark red t-shirt and his boots. I put on dark red leather pants and an almost corset-like black leather top and my boots. We're going to get diner right before the party so we went and got something to eat. When people started to leave to go to the pit and the music started to make a small whisper of itself know I looked at Tess
" cake "
She smiled remembering our deal we all got a slice them both plain white cake and I got chocolate. We were all enjoying our treat when Troy said
" thanks "
I looked at him confused
" Tess told me what you told her and it helps "
" What did I say again "
" that's it's not real and that this .. we are "
She smiled and I smiled back
" oh "
" it's crazy we did this and we're only 16 "
" about that "
They both looked at me
" I'm 17 "
" Birthday right after the cutoff "
He said
" yeah "
" and that should matter why "
We all laughed and finished up making our way to the pit. The music was loud and the lights were flashing instantly we all started so move and let go. After a while, I and Tess went to get some water
" hey you go I'll be there in a minute "
" ok "
She went back to the guy she was dancing with a little bit ago and I saw Eric at the end of the bar so I went over to him
" you did well today "
" thanks "
I said over the music. I sat down on the stool and he got close to me
" I've been watching you "
" have you now "
" yes "
He drew out the s like a hiss and then I could smell he was drunk. I looked at him and he had a goofy smile on his face and I said
" well did you like what you saw "
" yes "
I smiled and walked away and moved my hips a little more dramatically. I kept looking back at him and he didn't move
" Hey I'm going to "
The guy she was dancing with pulled her a little making her take a step back
" don't wait up "
She said and giggled disappearing into the mass of body's. Suddenly I felt exposed on the dance floor alone till I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked and it was Eric. He grabbed my hand and smiled as he began to pull me out of the crowd. He wouldn't let go of my hand no matter how many looks we'd get from people passing by sober. Finally, we made it to his room and he closed the door
" look "
He smiled and turned me a little to look where he wanted me to
" I got a couch "
I laughed
" that's all you brought me here for "
His smile changed from childish to almost sinister. He began to walk forcing me backward to the bed
" I've been watching not only tonight the way you move so ... subjectively ... it's hard not to run my hands all over you ... hell the way you sit and eat is mesmerizing "
I hit the bed and sat down not breaking eye contact and he leaned down
" scenes that night I can't sleep without you "
His smile turned to a smirk
" what I'd do to you if you "
I grabbed his head and kissed him and then it began. His drunken state made it hard for him to take off my tight-fitting clothing and I'd laugh making him even more annoyed.

What froze his heart Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz