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" ok initiates congratulations on making it through the physical part tonight we are going to play a little game of capture the flag against Fours team ... so today we are going to focus of shooting because we will be using guns instead of just hitting each other let's go "
Most of us were a little hungover and out of it so it made the shouting range more interesting. Eventually, everyone had at least 5 holes in the paper
" ok just go sleep or something we won't win if your all shouting like this "
We all got to our feet some people swaying when they started to move
" you stay and put the guns away "
I started to pick up the guns as people left and soon it was just me and him. I had three in my arms when he said
" you know when I joined and made it though I thought I'd be doing something else and well three years later I'm still training idiots that are doing this to rebel "
" then what am I "
He froze for a second
" just another 16-year-old girl "
" correction im 17 I don't know how it worked out but I turned 17 the day after the choosing "
He turned and started to lock up the guns I handed him
" so they have 19-year-olds teaching the new people "
" I don't know how it works "
He said with slight amusement in his eyes because he used the same words I did. We finished up neither one of us talking I kept looking at the skyline because we are on the roof. When we were done I walked over to the edge and sat down with my legs hanging over and to my surprise he sat do on the edge next to me
" do you ever wonder if there's something more I mean how can there only be Chicago only us "
" what are you talking about "
I looked at him and he looked at me and I said
" let me guess you came from ... Erudite "
" what "
" you just seem to know everything about anything and I see the way you analyze things "
" what does that mean "
A smile started to form on his face I looked back at the skyline
" there it is "
" there's what "
He said confusion in his voice
" a smile I knew you weren't as cold as you like to seam "
After a moment I said
" what's the next thing we have to do "
" fears "
" grate "
I said and got up and basically ran down the stairs. We hung out until Eric and Four came in
" Everyone needs to put one of these vests on for the game "
" let's go the train leave at sundown "
We all got up and got dressed and figured it was time so we found our way to the pit and we headed out to get on the train. Once on Eric said
" these will be your weapons "
" What are they "
Someone in the back said
" these are darts that simulate a real gunshot they only last a few minutes "
" the game is simply to get the other teams to flag Eric and I are captains "
" you go "
Eric said and he looked right at me and then Four said
" I'll take Carter "
" Troy common "
He said and they went back and forth and luckily Tess was on the same team as me. We were walking and then Four stopped and looked back and we saw that Eric and his team broke off so he started to come up with a plan.
" ok we need to decide where to put the flag "
He pulls out a glowing orange flag we talked about it for a bit and decided where to put it and he decided who had to stay and watch it and I wasn't one. We were walking and then some one-shot a dart and it hit the guy next to me. I and Tess were told to try to get the flag
" stop "
I said and Tess bumped into me
" what "
" look "
There were three guys close to the entrances the building where their flag was
" ok ... come on "
We were quite till she taped her gun against her light on the vest
" go go go "
We go behind these containers
" carter "
Tess whispered as I started to climb up it when I was up I said
" Tess make them look at you "
She started to shoot at them I made my way to the end where they were
" Hello boys "
I said and they all looked up and I shot at them and so did Tess and I got hit in the leg I quickly pulled it out and jumped down. With a little limp we went in
" Hey you get it I'll keep a lookout "
" ok "
She said and I turned to look down the stairs before I knew it I was looking at four people I could hear Tess fighting and it sounded like she was winning
" come on "
I said and we shot at one another and eventually, they were all down and I was leaning against the railing pulling out the darts and I was in pain that's all I could feel but I built up enough strength so climbed up the stairs and just as I did Tess was shot and both their guns ran out and I had one left so I made a noise and I shot the girl in the shoulder and she fell back and Tess grabbed the green flag and waved it and I sat down and I heard our team cheering then Eric ran up the stairs and he looked annoyed that he didn't win
" Tess take it down to them "
" ok you "
" I'll be fine I'll be down in a minute "
" ok "
She had a big smile on her face and ran down the stairs. After she was out Eric closed the door and I moved so I was up against a wall
" shit Carter how many times were you hit "
" I don't ... know I think they all ... ran out "
" well you got them "
He said with a little laugh
" what's so funny "
" nothing "
He reaches towards me and I watched as he pulled out two darts from my left shoulder. I started to try to stand up. I was slow and eventually, I was leaning against the wall and I said
" I bet you don't have a purple cure for this one do you "
I smiled at him and I could see the small on his face a real nice smile
" let's get down there all waiting on us "
" us "
Then the smile broke through
" shut up "
He joked and we made out was down and then I was good to walk but I still had a little pain.
" Hey Carter come on there's a short cut the Dauntless born know "
" no train "
" no train "
" then yes "
" ok let's go "
We went and it was a zip line that went through some building and stuff and it was so much better than having to jump on the train.

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