chap 29

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The charity event was on a fucking yacht !

"Don't wander around , stay close to me."

I rolled my eyes at Mark , I wasn't a damn child.

He intertwined our arms and we smiled as cameras flashed on us . We strolled to the main deck , my eyes widened with excitement , it felt like a scene out of a movie !

Tables with delicious and expensive food, high class people , bright lights and light music. The only thing that bothered me was the smug man approaching us .


Phil called , Mark turned and smiled , I was biting my lip to stop myself from cursing . Of course he was here, I knew it was too perfect to be true...

"Phil! You did a great job! The place looks amazing !"

Puh -leaseee ! Amazing ? Don't exaggerate !

"Thank you! It wasn't easy but I managed , did you see the front of the yacht ?"

"Yeah! Absolutely amazing !"

"It was hard but I succeeded ."

My eyes narrowed dangerously at the hand Phil placed on Mark's arm . I would kill the motherfucker.

"Mark, " I coughed , "my throat hurts would you mind bringing me something to drink ?"

It wasn't a lie, my throat did hurt! I was sick remember ? I'm not making things up !

"Sure, stay here and I'll be right back ."

I nodded and made sure to give him a looong loooving kiss.

That Phil guy was like a cockroach , no matter how big the shoe you throw at them , they're still crawling alive.

Ew ! Why did I have to think about cockroach ? So disgusting ! Just like Phil...

"It's pathetic you know? To see you forcing yourself on him like that..."

Phil snapped me from my thoughts .

"Excuse me?!"

I stared at him shocked , who did he think he is?

"You should leave him alone, he's being laughed at because of you, I think it would be best if you broke up ."

"Like I care about what you think you son of a bitch ! Stay away from him you jealous ass face!" He chuckled dryly and shook his head." I can't believe he rejected me for a brat like you! Unbelievable !"

Before I could insult him more he stomped away.

"Everything's alright ?" Mark appeared beside me.

"Everything's great..." I just wish he would fire that guy or maybe feed him to sharks .

"Want to dance ?" I offered as I took the drink he brought me. "Sure" and he led me to the dance floor...


Good things that happened in the last months:

-Mark (the human)

-M (the puppy)

-losing my virginity

Bad things:

-Phil(the bitch )

It's summing up of the great time I had. Meeting Mark was fate for me, I also believe the universe trying to change my mind about dogs, yeah now I can say that dogs are awesome BUT cats are the best and there's no denying to it !

I think it's funny how things rolled , imagine if on the first time I met Mark I had a gun , haha, I would have shot him ten times and then five more just to make sure he's dead.

Luckily I waited long enough to uncover the monster as a hunk. You want to know about our future ? Sure! I'll graduate and then go study, I'll get the job of my dream and Mark will be there all along and support me , eventually ? We'll get married and somehow bring kids to the world and then we'll ride a unicorn to Rainbowland which is a magic place where everyone eat rainbow cookies , and we'll live happily ever after!

Haha just kidding! There's no thing as Rainbowland and I hate unicorns, the part about kids is true though, I'll try my hardest to get Mark pregnant . OW ! I think the universe smacked me! So okay I'm not funny but screw you because I get the hot guy in the end!

So this is my goodbye , imagine one of those meaningless songs playing and me waving at you. Can't imagine ? No problem , don't try because even I can't imagine myself like that.

Just think about me and Mark dancing to a romantic song while the credits are rolling on the screen. And then I say this:

"Mark , I love you! You're the man of my dreams that became reality !"

And him replying:

"Kyle you're the love of my life , the only one for me! I love you !"

And then me:

"I love you too!"

And then we kiss passionately while everyone clap their hands and that's the end.

So why I'm ending my story here so abruptly ? Because it's interesting like that , plus what are you ? Stalkers ? You're going to follow me through all my life story?

Maybe Mark will dump me in the end, just maybe because there's no way I'll let him . Anyway let's leave the mystery of that

Kyle out!

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