chap 23

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" is that true?!"

"Why did you break up?!"

"He dumped you?"

"Dogs or cats?!"

I forced my way into the house, barely managing to push through the crowd , it would have been easier if I had those guards here but Mark dismissed them after he...

After he dumped me.

With red eyes I ran to my room and ignored the jumping dog between my legs, I wasn't in the mood for anything .

I closed the door and blinked at the darkness, someone was there.

"Who are you?"

I asked, the figure charged forward with what seemed to be a knife.

"You were never worthy of him !"

A voice of woman screeched as I was tackled to the ground unable to dodge her.

"Say goodbye little piece of shit !"

She smiled crazily as she held me by my neck with one hand, pinning me to the floor, the other one that was holding the knife was raised in the air, ready to strike.

"Mark was never meant to be yours!!!"

She brought her knife down.



I giggled as Mark kissed my neck from behind .

"Stop interrupting !" I said playfully and pushed him so I could concentrate on the work before me, some history project .


He said innocently and attacked my neck again , I bit my lip to surpass a moan.

"Mark please stop..." I whispered weakly, already engrossed with the pleasure .

"You don't sound so convincing ," he smirked and proceeded to suck on my neck, I closed my eyes and gave in to pleasure.


I snapped my eyes open to see his beautiful face contorting in pain, his hand rubbed his leg and next to him was a growling puppy.

"Good job!"

I praised and picked my puppy, I think dogs are awesome , not more than cats obviously but Mark junior would always be the number 2 dog in my heart. The oversized man behind would be number 1 although he needs some training .

I smirked as another session of role play came to my mind, dirty images of a leash and Mark.

"What's so funny?"

He looked at me quizzically .


I coughed awkwardly , am I a pervert or what? Please pick the what.

"Well I'll leave you then, work is calling !"

With a kiss on my nose he left my house and I hurried to shut all the windows , having guards outside didn't help one bit to the feeling of being watched , I acted normal around Mark only to show him I wasn't affected but truth is that I feared for my life and dreaded every moment he wasn't here with me.

I preferred being here and not in his apartment for several reasons:

1 school was closer to my house

2 I was the only one to take care of the house

3 I was more familiar with my home and felt secure here.

Last night I heard some knocks on my window, whether it was the wind or my wild imagination I spent the night closed in my bathroom hugging my puppy for comfort.

Attending school was the problematic matter of all, the possibilities of me being abducted/murdered /raped and the likes were high and I'm sure no one will care if that happened or will stop to help, heck I think some would assist !

3 hours of sort of working and I was tired as hell so I decided to take a nap, Mark will be here in less than two hours so I might as well pass the time by sleeping.

I flopped on my bed and fell asleep immediately .


A loud noise woke me up, my puppy jumped into my hands shaking .

I yawned and got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen only to freeze .

On the wall in red was written:


I gulped and started to shake , I ran to my room and locked the door, my legs couldn't hold me and I found myself leaning on the wall and blinking back tears while praying Mark will get here.

Someone tried to open the door and I held my breath as the handle shook.

I was going to die today .

And then it stopped .

"Kyle ? Open the door!"

Mark said urgently , with a sigh of relief I opened the door and hugged him, he probably saw the red paint as well, no one could miss it.

"You're not staying here!" He decided and I didn't argue, even the guards were usless now.

After heading to his place I clung to him and let him carry me to bed, I brought my puppy as well, afraid to leave him alone.

The next day I spent in bed while Mark was having a loud conversation with Phil , my name was mentioned a few times.

By noon we were officially over.

No apparent reason for that, Phil announced the news to the media and I didn't confront Mark because he explained that was for my safety, I did bawl my eyes because even after explaining everything , the break up was still sad.

"It's only a plan to catch the harasser ,"

"I don't want this..."

"You don't need to be afraid, I'll be there to protect you"



He smiled and kissed me even though I saw the worry in his eyes.

I slept all evening at my house but nothing occurred so I hanged out with Eric at night and returned to my house.

I woke up late and strolled all day outside, by now everyone knew me and Mark were over.

A flash of a camera blinded me.

Paparazzi .

"Why did Mark dump you? He had enough ?"

The man holding the camera smirked , he knew nothing but it still hurt and I could feel tears forming already .

"He'll find someone better"

I turned and ran, I didn't want to cry over such a thing and my eyes were already red from yesterday so I pretty much looked wrecked .

In front of my house a crowd was gathered and I I pushed through it while ignoring their questions.

I headed to my room, in the darkness was a figure .



"Mark was never meant to be yours!!!"

She brought her knife down .

Her hand was gripped firmly by Mark that came out of the closet [ ;) ]

He yanked her and threw her back , a moment after pressing a button police officers came in at his command and took the woman .

Mark picked me from the floor, my body still shaking .

"I'm fine..."

Thanks to this plan we were able to catch this women, Mark was positive the harasser will come out only when he feels safe, therefore he faked a break up and dismissed the guards, in all actuality I didn't think it'll work .

"Let's get out of here" he kissed me.

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