Enter In You

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"Naruto, don't you dare," you scold your whiskery friend as he laughs evilly to himself. "You're not my dad, you can't tell me what to do. Plus, I'm older than you (F/N). I don't need to listen to you," he argues while stretching his arms above his head. Getting prepared to do what he always does. Huffing, you leave his apartment knowing you can't change his mind. Painting the Hokage's monumental faces are just too hard of a habit to break.

Getting closer to the academy, you see a familiar brooding boy turning a corner. "Hey Sasuke, you look as happy as ever," you chuckle. Noticing he is glaring at you, you clear your throat and walk faster to get as far away from him at this moment.

Entering your class, some of the girls run to you...fan girls. Not all the girls like you, but you are one handsome boy. Even the boys cannot deny your good looks.

"Shikamaru," you say in desperation, glad he is not asleep.

"What a drag," he whines. Luckily, not even thirty seconds later Sasuke enters the class taking all the girls attentions away. Seeing this as an opportunity, Shikamaru grabs your elbow pulling you to his seat.

"There, got any kisses on you?"

You smack his shoulder, embarrassed he brings that dreadful day up. That day was the day the academy prohibited lipstick for they were all over you. Feeling the seat being warm from previously being used by him, you lay your head on your arms, getting ready to sleep, "Wake me when Sensei and Naruto are here." He mumbles a response but you pass out.

Sometimes you think about Sasuke. Just as a random thought. Like now as you close your eyes as he walks into the classroom. He is always an egotistical jerk since the beginning. You don't like people like that unless they are Kiba. You've seen Kiba's mom, scary. But, you don't know anything about Uchiha, Sasuke. Does he smile? Laugh? Have a heart? Think?

He is too hard to read so it's quite impossible to figure the boy out. Want to be his friend? Not really, but there is one thing you may have in common. That is all the fan girls you have to endure. The girls you mostly hang out with is Hinata and her sister, Hanabi. Oh Hanabi.

Hinata and that poor girl are working their asses off day in and day out.

Feeling your shoulders be shaken, you groggily look up to see Naruto tied in rope as Iruka Sensei drags his mischievous ass in the room. "Enough, you have failed the three passed Genin exams and another one is coming up tomorrow." As the kids around you laugh, Shikamaru and you sigh in exasperation. "Fine, because of you Naruto, we will review the Transformation Jutsu!"

Everyone groans, including you and you get out of your seat to stand next to your blond friend.

"Naruto, you should have just listen to me."

"Awe, c'mon (F/N). Plus, it's not like you suck at this justu, you're okay."

"Well, I do prefer taijutsu thank you very much."

While Iruka Sensei calls names, you think of that one time you got called up to go against Sasuke. You just turned seven years old, remembering that day clearly. He swept the floor with you. Smacked you right into the ground with his fist next to your head. That didn't piss you off, what pissed you off was the fact that he didn't try and was in fact bored of the fight. Well, now you can't blame him, you were weak. Weak, small, a boy trapped in the wrong body, and depressed. Not like the depression ever leaves you, but you are more vibrant now. After that day, you vow to be strong at something. That was taijutsu.

Ninjutsus and Genjutsus are a pain in the ass.

After getting home, your parents threw you a small surprise party with relatives. Talking about your day and explaining everything you have learned while opening presents and eating cake, you ask your father for advice. You told him about how easily Sasuke defeated you in a fight and you wanted to get stronger. Of course, you told him more, like the way he looked at you and acted like you were a pest. He just laughed.

Mr. Charm (Naruto x FTM Reader)Where stories live. Discover now