I slowly slid them off and through them to the side.I kissed her lips and she smacked her lips.

"Stop playing Trell..."She said and I chuckled.I kissed her inner thighs.I then started to lick and suck on her clit.Her moans filled the room.

I looked up at her seeing she had her eyes closed and her head thrown back.I sped up my tongue pace and she grabbed my hair.

She pushed my head down making me go deeper.Her legs then began to shake and a few moments later she came.

I got up and went to the bathroom to wipe my mouth I can back and she was just watching me.I chuckled to myself she always watching me.

Kamiya POV

I watched Kentrell as he started to undo his belt

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I watched Kentrell as he started to undo his belt.He took that along with his briefs off.He hovered over me again and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

He rubbed his member up against me and I moaned.He bit his lip before slowly entering me.I moaned as he slid in more.

He leaned down and kissed me speeding up.I kissed back moaning in the mix.He broke the kiss and put his head down in my neck.He gave me slow deep strokes as held onto him by the back of his neck.

He started going faster and harder and my walls clenched around him.He slowed down before speeding back up.A few moments later I came and I felt something warm came in me.

I got up and went in the bathroom.

"What you finna do?"Kentrell asked.

"Take a shower then go to bed."I said turning on the water.I got in and he got in too.

"Trell..."I said and he chuckled.Best believe we had another round.

The next day
Kamiya POV
I had woke up the next day in nothing but Kentrell's shirt and a pair of panties.I decided to get up and take a shower since Kentrell was still sleep.

After I got out and put my clothes on I decided to be a good wife and fix Kentrell some breakfast.

I went in the kitchen and got some eggs and bacon and I was going to make French toast since neither me or Trell liked pancakes.

As I was fixing the eggs Kentrell came in there.

"Hey bae."He said in a raspy voice stretching.He walked over to me and put his hands on my waist.

"You cooking breakfast?"He asked and I nodded.

"You Ight?"He asked and I nodded backing away from him.

"I was holding my fucking breath, bae go brush yo damn teeth."I said and he chuckled going back upstairs.

Once the eggs were done I did the French toast since the bacon was almost done.Then Kentrell came back downstairs .He came up to me and smacked my ass.

"Ow Trell move."I said pushing him back as he laughed.

"I MISS MY BABY!"He yelled walking away and I chuckled.

"We can go get her after we finish eating."I said and he sighed.

"No everybody staying at mama house for safety."He said and i nodded.Ever since the thing about this Fredo guy came up everyone been staying with Kentrell mom.I asked him why and he said everybody together and it's safer.

"If it's so safe why we over here?"I asked as I took out the bacon.

"Because I wanted us to have time to ourselves but we going back right after we done eating and I take a shower."He said.

"Well come sit yo ass down."I said as I made our plates.He sat down and I gave him his plate and something to drink.I sat down also and we both started eating.

"I'm tryna move."Kentrell said and I looked at him.

"Where?"I asked and he shrugged.

"I'm think Houston Texas or Atlanta, I'm pushing more towards Houston."He said and i nodded continuing to eat.

"Well at this point anything is better than Baton Rouge."I said.

About 15 minutes later we were both finished.Kentrell went to go take a shower while I was cleaning up.

After I was done I sat down on the couch waiting for Kentrell.About 15 minutes later he came down.

"Ready?"I asked and he nodded grabbing his keys.Yes he got a new car since the other one had slashed tires.I got up and we headed out.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter
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Brace Face Nia 💙💙💙

Through It All 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora