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Synthavo POV

Benny pressed her lips firmly against mine and...... I snapped awake, looking around at Bennies room in surprise. I looked over at The other side of the bed to see Benny sleeping peacefully. Was that last little bit really a dream? Is my subconscious telling me something or is it just cardinal desire?
Benny shifted, sitting up and looking over at me.

Benny: it's not polite to stare at someone while they sleep.

She grinned as she said that, leaning over and kissing my cheek. I flinched slightly, expecting her to try to push things like usual. She just chuckled.

Benny: Jane plants one on the bullseye, yet you still get worked up over a peck on the cheek? You are absolutely adorable.

Synthavo: what!? How'd you!? Did she?? Who told you that?

Benny: you just did. Plus you got a little bit of black lipstick on one of your lip.... Tooth.... Spike..... Things.

I quickly wipe my mouth and look away from her

Synthavo: forget this alright? I'm gonna go get breakfast.

I hop out of the bed and head down stairs to the kitchen. This was the first time I had actually walked down the stairs and it was kinda pleasant...... Untill I got nailed in the back of the head by something that burst and soaked me in water. I turn around to see LJ with a water balloon and a big grin running ear to ear. I look her in the eyes and smirk.

Synthavo: try that again.

LJ: with pleasure!

She hurled another one at me, tho I sent it into the void once it got close and drop it onto her. She screamed a bit in surprise as I laughed. She giggled before leaping down the stairs. She had caught me off guard as she collided with me and we both went flying down the stairs. I winced as my head connected with the floor. I roll over to try to pin her to the ground, but she was already on her feet and by the kitchen entrance.

Synthavo: your dead Jill

LJ: that's my line portal boy.

A water balloon bust open on the back of my head. I quickly turn around to see Tammy poking up from in front of the couch in the living room

Tammy: be aw-ware of your s-s-surounding void!

She giggled before hurling another balloon over me. I followed the arc, watching Jill caught the balloon and launched it into my chest. I fell over from the impact and laugh as they both walk to stand over me. Tammy laughed a bit and dropped her arm full of balloons on top of me. I sputtered a bit to keep the water out of my mouth before sitting up

Synthavo: alright alright y'all got me. What's with the water balloons?

LJ: consider it and indoctrination

Tammy: Y-Yeah! Plus slenda wants us to keep you on your t-toes to help with training.

Synthavo: alright then. Is everyone gonna be trying to soak me?

LJ: nope!

She grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.

LJ: that's just the distraction.

As she said that My eyes widened as I lept to the side, narrowly dodging a hatchet that would have cleaved of my shoulder. Tammy had attempted a sneak attack and now had full my attention. LJ smiled wickedly

LJ: We won't kill ya tho. Were just gonna rough you up a bit!

I immediately rolled backwards and drop into the void floating for a second. Is this going to be an everyday thing? Am I constantly gonna be in danger? Or will they just give it a rest eventually? I sigh and drop out of the void, finding myself face to face with Jane who was sitting on her bed in just a sports bra and underwear



Synthavo: I can explain

Jane: don't bother. The others are probably tormenting you am I right?

Synthavo: um...... Yeah.

She nodded and then locked her bedroom door before walking over to me. She grabbed the front of my shirt and tossed me onto her bed

Synthavo: whoa! What are you doing?

She crawled into the bed and laid on her back, patting the bed next to her.

Jane: I locked the door to keep the others out, so your stuck in here until they calm down. Since your stuck in here, you might as well join me for my nap

Synthavo: but I just woke up, and what if the others walk in on us? They'd never let either of us live it do–

I was cut off mid sentence by a pillow slamming into my face. It didn't really hurt but I did its job. Jane was already laying  on the bed, her gaze as stoic as ever.

Jane: either shut up and get in bed, or shut up and get out. Either way I'm taking a nap.

She rolled over, her back to me. I sighed and nodded as I walked out of the room, careful not to close the door too loudly for multiple reasons. One of said reasons quickly became irrelevant as another one of Tammy's hatchets sailed through the air inches away from my face. The weapon continued, passing by LJ's head and planting itself in the wall. LJ's was wielding a chainsaw wiched she reved every so often. I was not in a good position for a fight, and I still didn't know the mansion well enough not to end up in someone's room if I used the void.

Sythavo: are you two all I have to deal with? I can take you two no problem.

I was bluffing, and by god I hoped it worked.

Tammy: N-N-Nope! We have a a few alies aro-round the mansion.

LJ: But there's also a few people who will help you. You just gotta figure out who is who.

Sythavo: makes sense. When do we really start then?

Just then he heard a voice come from behind Tammy, filling me with true fear. A single sentence surrounded in white noise.

Slenda: we already have. Run.

Sooooooo..... About the long break. Basically I almost turned this into a low effort Smut story with no character developmentn. And that would have pissed me off so I avoiding writing anything till I could make this into something decent. What do y'all think? Remember to vote and add this story to your library! CAOI FOR NOW

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