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The the signal made for the perfect distraction. The inquisitors were so focused on it raining cutlery that they didn't notice Jess or Jane. Jess managed to sever one of the two generics skull from his spinal column. Unfortunately Jess was faster then Jane, and the sight of His friends death tipped off the other man aswell as the woman. The man barley dodged Jane, taking a massive gash across his right rib. I quickly tossed up my hands from my hiding spot, opening a void in front of Jane. I was just in time to transport the onslaught of bullets which I had left back out into the man's back. The woman was quick, using her sword to perry Jess's knife with little effort and adding Jane's knife to the mix didn't seem to slow her down at all. The clashing of steel and body had concealed her other hand... Until I heard a "bang". A bullet ripped it's way out of the back of Jess hoodie, leaving a trail of blood in it's path. Jess's scream was enough of a distraction to Jane for the woman to change targets. Three more shots. I was ready this time, trapping the bullets in my void. Jane stumbled back and I rushed out of the bushes to Jess. Along my path I opened the void to send the three bullets at this woman, which landed in her chest with little to no effect. I got to Jess who was kneeling on the ground, holding the entry wound in her stomach. I knelt down and reached into the void, pulling the first aid kit from the mansion. The woman had shifted her attention to me, bring her sword down from over head. Luckily Jane had recovered from the surprise and had managed to block the blade with her knife. Jane held the woman off while I split my concentration between intercepting bullets using the void, and tending to Jess's wound. Once I finished, Jess immediately tried to rush back in. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down.

Jess: The hell! Let go I'm gonna gut that whore!

Void: hang back, I'll end this. Jane switch!

With that I used a void-way to swap my place with Jane's, the inquisitors sword running through my right shoulder. Her unique type of will.... Her desire to live and willingness to die.... It made me very.... Hungry~. I walked forward, sliding the blade deeper into my shoulder. The woman let go as the hilt reached my shoulder, opening fire with the desert eagle and pumping me full of holes. I grabbed the collar of her shirt and we both
Fell into my void. I ripped the sword free and watched as the bullets drifted from my body. I locked eyes with the woman who watched in horror as my blood went back into the sealing wounds.

Woman: w-who.... What are you demon!

Void: demon? Not quite the right word...

one of the bullets flew passed her, cutting her shoulder

Void: moster? Devil perhaps?

I shoot two more, only grazing.

Void: or maybe, I am the God you oh so faithfully pray too. And I am here to bring you divine judgment.

She tried to step back but was suspended in place

Void: you'll remain here in my void, and once your will to live is completely drained, I'll give your kidneys to a friend and feed your corps to the wolves.

And with that I places the sword in her chest, avoiding any vital points, and I left the void, returning to Jess and Jane. I was quickly met with a right hook in the jaw from Jess.

Jess: you asshole! You just abandon us like that!? So you get to be stabbed and shot and still fight but I don't hu!?

Void: what the hell!? I was finishing the mission!

Jess: and what if you didn't!? What if you took her away to deal with it alone and you died!? What if one of those bullet shots put you down!? Think about that stuff jackass!

I stared at her for a second. She was honestly worried about. It was actually kinda cute. I justed sighed and chuckled

Void: Sorry Jess. I guess hunger got the best of me there. You alright? How's the wound? You alright too Jane?

Jess: It's fine.... Thanks for patching me up I guess.

Jane nodded and walked over to you, getting uncomfortably close.

Void: uuuhhh Jane? Personal sp-

Jane pressed her lips against mine for about a second before backing away.

Jane: that's for saving me from two different gun shots. Now let's head back to the mansion to give Slenda the mission report.

I was dumbfounded and just nodded, opening a void to the mansion. Jess stormed through and Jane walked in behind her. I was the last one and got through just in time to hear the slamming of Jess's bedroom door. Me and Jane went to Slenda's off to recount the events of the mission, I left out everything that happened after I left the Inquisitor woman in the void. Slenda nodded, congratulated us on a job well done and sent us on our way. Jane went to her room and I went to Bennie's room to rest up. Benny was sleeping very peacefully on the left side of her bed, so I climbed in on the right. luckily I hadn't woken her up so I didn't have to deal with her sexual harasment... or so I thought. I had almost fallen asleep when I felt a mass of weight on my chest. I opened my I eyes to see a naked Ben pressing her bare chest against mine beneath the covers. I tensed up underneath her as she looked at me with pleading eyes.

Void: B-B-Benny! This is too much!

Benny: It's not enough. Please Synthavo, I've given so many obvious hints and you still haven't made any moves! Void I want you. Badly. I want to spend a night of passion with you. Please

I looked at the pleading girl laying naked on my chest. She looked so hopefully, like she needed this more than food. I couldn't turn her down....

Void: Alright Benny. Let's make love.


Void: your a degenerate

Lazyboy: shut up and fuck her. Ciao for now!

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