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"come on, lucas, you have you leave now, the girl is probably waiting," hera yelled from down stairs. the past hour i've done nothing but stall. i did not want to go with this girl. she meant nothing to me, and i did not want her to think that she did. every girl i would allow to become friends with me start to get jealous and possesive and the worst part of this was she was not going to be just a friend, she was meant to be my girlfriend, soon my wife. we were both at an age where most couples would get married. that was how people could have heaps of children and raise them without having to worry about stroke or death.

"whatever," i mumbled. i look one last look in the mirror and sighed. i did try to look good, but i did not do it for her, i would never do it for her. i was doing it for the sake of michael, to try to keep him alive. i went down the stairs to be greeting with an overly happy hera. she had a massive smile on her face and some flowers in her hand. i mentally groaned because i didn't want the girl to like me, i was hoping she would hate me after this date but if hera kept trying to make it over the top, that would never happen. 

"give this to the girl as soon as she opens the door. you will go going to lunch at that place, i forget what it's called but it's the one your father took us to on your first day here, you know, that one." i nodded. of course she made reservations at the fanciest place there was in athena. typical hera. the saddest part of this all was the only reason she was going over the top for any of this was the girl's family had everything as well. "now go," she said as she pushed me out the door. 

i sighed and shook my head. i unlocked the door of my car, opening it and entering it. i turned the engine of the car on and drove to the girl's house. i didn't even remember her name, what was i meant to exactly call her. to choke out 'babe' or 'baby' would be hell and i would rather get burnt by the hell fires. her house was a ten minute drive and when i got out there, i could not help but let my jaw drop. Her house was masssive. i knew mine was too, but hers seemed like it was double the size. 

i parked my car outside her door steps and got out of my car. i took a deep breath and walked up the stairs. all i wanted to do was leave. i hated this, i hated the thought of this. i hated the fact i was going to be with a girl i knew nothing about and i had to take her out on a date when i hated her guts. i hated everything about her. it may have seemed harsh but she was the reason i am here rather than home, trying to work on the finishing touches of michael. she is the reason i was out on a date with someone i did not feel anything for like i did when i was with michael. i rung the door bell and not even a minute later i was greeted by a man who had a beer belly and a mustache. 

"ah, son, you must be lucas. hera and my lovely rebecca have said nothing but good things about you," he said chuckling, slapping his stomach as he laughs. in a way, he reminded me of santa claus. the way he spoke and the way he laughed. he looked and acted exactly the same way as a typical santa claus would in movies. but the bright side of this uncomfortable conversation was that i now know the girl's name and did not have to try to subtly ask what it was.

"i'm glad to hear that, sir," i said with a fake smile. i just wanted to end this. not a minute later a girl with a short, silver dress walked down the stairs. the dress went to her mid thigh, something no one classy would ever wear at this age. the only times girls would wear something like that were during parties.

"lucas, hello!" she says with happiness in her voice. i walk towards her and take her had as she walks down the last step. i bring her hand up to my lips and place a quick kiss on the back of her hand. the girl giggles and acts shy, i hated it. 

"m'lady," he gritted through my teeth. "you look wonderful, tonight." i lied. that seems to be all i'm going to do tonight. lie, lie, lie. she blushed and looked down. "ready to go?" 

"oh yes, let's," she says. 

i lead her out the door, opening it for her. i walked down the stairs, further away from her this time. i wanted a good first impression. maybe then her father will tell hera that i acted well, that i was good enough, just so she does not do anything to michael. michael. he seemed to be on my mind so much. all i could think about was him, how amazing life would be with him. speaking to him makes me so happy, lke i'm on top of the world, along with just being with him. 

I unlocked the car doors, opening hers before mine. I turned the engine on and drove, trying to ignore her presence, but it was so hard with her moving and being very touchy. her hands were rested on my thigh. it was not even a proper first date and she was already touching me in places she should not be touching. 

"im bored," she whined. 

"we're almost there," i gritted. so not only was she taking me away from michael but she was annoying and whiny. this girl just gives me so many reasons of why i should hate her. she seems to always make herself seem like a worse person everytime i see her and i just wanted her to stop.

"but this car ride is no fun, you're not paying any attention to me!" yeah because i'm gay,  thought. 

"i'm sorry, sweetheart but would you rather us dead?" i asked. i wanted so badly to make a sarcastic remark but i was scared. so, so, so scared that she would tell hera that one part of this date did not go the way she wanted it to go.

"no, but if you pull over to the side we would not be dead." she said like it was the simplest thing on earth. i pulled over, just to see what she was whining about although the minute i turned my head just a little bit, i felt her lips on mine. her lips felt rough, and chapped. her hands were on both sides of my face, pulling me in closer. i didn't move my lips at first, i just sat there, shocked as to what was going on, but she kept nudging, harder and harder. she kept leaning in to my side that she basically staddled me and i was leaning back so much my head hit the car door. 

or else your precious michael will be broken was all that was replaying in my head. i moved my lips against hers, hating the taste and the feeling of all of it. i hated how she touched me, i hated the feeling of her lips against mine, i hated the fact she was sitting against me and i hated the fact i was with a prostitute. i had told hera multiple times that all girls were like that but she did not believe me, and if she did not believe me after this then i did not know what i would do to get her to believe me. the thought of being with a girl like her makes me want to puke and cry. the movement of her lips against mine increased. she bit and nibbled on my lips making my want to gag. 

i broke the kiss to breath to see her lipstick messed up and a little bit all over her face. i thought she was not beautiful before but the sight of her now was definitely not beautiful. "we should probably get going, you know?" she pouted and didn't move. 

"but i was having fun, and if we turned around and headed to either of our homes, or maybe a hotel nearby, i'm pretty sure we could have even more fun there," she said, seductively. my eyes widened because i did not wanted to do that, i would never want to do that. i already lost my first kiss to this fool, but i could not lose my virginity to her as well, and definitely not on the first 'date'. 

"that could get both you and i in trouble by the gods and goddesses. we are not allowed to do anything like that unless we are married," i said trying to stall, although it was true. what she had just done itself was illegal and could get us killed. 

"but, lukey, if we're already going to get married, i do not see the point of not doing it now," she said fumbling with the button of my flannel. 

"princess, please, go back to your seat." i said, hoping that she would. 

"why? am i exciting you?" she said smirking. if only she knew it was that she was scaring me.

"so much," i said sarcastically. "please, go back to your seat so i can drive. i cannot drive if your pretty face is in my way," i lied.

she huffed but didn't argue. she went back to her seat and sat with her arms crossed and her lips pouted. nothing she has done today made me think any differently of her. she was nothing but a slut, a prostitute, just like every other girl there was. 

- - - 

idk if i said this before but pygmalion thought girls were all sluts and prostitutes and so yeah, luke does too!

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