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"i know you're not real, but you're perfect, you know?" i started. it felt right to speak to michael; unlike with girls or other guys, i enjoyed it so much. he made me feel things i have never felt in my life and i didn't know if that was a good thing or not. "you're much better than those girls." i shuttered. "at least you're not an imperfect prostitute like the female species. and unlike all guys, you don't just talk about money. money; that's all everyone ever wants now; that and power. why? what's so great about having power? i mean, look at zeus; he's never home and he's always stressed and you know why? it's because of all the power he currently has. it's –"

a knock on my door rudely interrupted my conversation with michael. "lucas, to whom are you speaking to?" my mother asked. why does it matter to her anyways? everything  did was nothing but a competition to her, and one that he cannot stand losing. she had never cared about anything i did unless it's to make her and her family seem so much better than everyone else and it bothered me so much. i was perfectly happy on earth, with parents that did care about how I feel, then she and zeus decide to move me to fucking i don't know where for their own good. why; did my happiness not count as much as theirs?

"what's in it to you? you never even cared about what i did so why act like you do now?" i blurted out without rethinking about what i had just said. i slapped my hands over my mouth and widened my eyes. i sounded rude, yes, although this would not be happening had she not made a bet with athena and had she not cared so much about my love life.

"you're being selfish, luke! Of course i care about how you feel and what you do! why do you think i told zeus to being you back here?" now she was yelling. she was mad, but i didn't care; i was to. it was all her fault. had she not made a bet, we would have been normally happy, with our normal every day routine of her telling me to get a girl with my same response, but no, she had to go mess that up too. "had you been normal, and just married the lovely girl we had planned for you to marry since you were a child, we wouldn't be fighting!"

"normal? what exactly is your definition of normal? just because i do not enjoy the presence of a prostitute and an imperfect man does not make me abnormal! i'm just as normal as calum, as alex, as our neighbours down the block. the girl you wanted me to marry looked worse than my shit and you know what, mum, her personality was even worse. i do not care to marry some lady who has most likely lost her virginity and has been with multiple men, and that of course is if the men could even bare the sight of her." i spat and guessed that was the last straw since hera opened the door of my room looking like she was fuming. it was almost as though smoke was coming out of her eyes. her has was red, boiled, annoyed, not believing a single word that had come out of my mouth, and of course next to her was the girl i was meant to marry. tears were sliding down her face, a frown upon her lips. i almost felt sorry for him. almost is the key word. i did not care for her feelings. i did not know her and she did not know me. her happiness and her sadness meant nothing to me, and that is how it will always be.

i hadn't meant to say all of that. she got me annoyed. usually around hera and zeus i was always on my best behaviour. i didn't speak to them the same way i spoke to my old parents, the way i spoke to my friends. i was a completely different person, always trying to be as perfect as they wanted me to be. never once had a bad word rolled off of my tongue around them and what had just happened right now was not something i saw coming either.

"you will apologise to this young lady this instant," she said as calmly as she could.

i was ignorant, though. i didn't care how calm she was. she could be blowing up planet earth right now and i would still be the stubborn idiot i am. "i most certainly will not. now if you do not mind, i must continue my sculpture." i say turning around hoping they would leave the room, although knowing hera for the past few years, i knew she would not.

"lucas robert hemmings, if you do not apologise this instant i wi—"

"you'll what? send me back home? oh please do. it's much better than having two parents who act like they care but set me up with some ugly peasant that they got from the sewers. at least back home eliza and ash did care for how i felt." i say cutting her off. i could not believe her at the moment and i reckoned she could not believe me either. the words i was saying, i did not completely mean. yes, eliza and ash were much better parents to me than she and zeus were, although i did enjoy the living here more than i did there. everything was so plain, and so normal back home whereas here it was so different. everything here was so magical and it made me so happy. 

the girl chocked out a sob and it was only then when i felt a little sympathy towards her. maybe i had been a little rude, but i would never actually admit that out loud. hera shook her head and looked so disappointed in me. i had never done anything to disappoint them in my life and i felt a pang of sadness. that was when what i had just said hit me. not only did i insult a girl, but i insulted my real mother, my real father. the people who had to deal with nine months of pain before i was even alive. 

hera and the girl were just about to walk out the door before i hollered at them. "stop." i took a step towards them and took a deep breath. "little girl i have no intensions with, i do apologise for what i had just said, although i will not marry you." i looked up at hera and she stared at me. her face had no emotion and i didn't know whether i should be scared or not, but a part of me was.

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