Chapter Fifty Two

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Draco POV
Christmas Day was the best that I have ever had. The Weasley's were so welcoming to me even after everything that my father and I put them through the taunting, slandering and name-calling. I felt like I belonged with them, they actually made me feel loved and truly welcomed which I have only felt with my mother, Blaise, Selena and Mia.

For once I actually enjoyed Christmas for what it stands for.

For once I actually had proper fun without having to wear a facade.

Not having to be careful and proper because of my father.

Not having to hurt others to fit in.

I got to be myself for Christmas, free, happy, loving, caring, kind self not the egotistical, aggressive, hating, a*shole, pureblooded elitist I was forced to become by Father.

The hurt, broken boy who wanted to be loved by his father, I was misled but Mione managed to save me from that. This Christmas even tho it was slightly awkward due to Ron it showed me just how far I have come, his far I have changed from the boy my father created to a man who knows what he wants to fight for, the man who knows what he did wrong, to a better man even a better person.

That I think was the greatest gift I received this Christmas to be loved and welcomed for who I was, am and will be.

Blaise POV
The Weasley was so kind allowing Draco and I into their home for Christmas with Mia and Gin. Gin oh how I love her and know that will not change for any reason. This Christmas was one of the best and happy filled Christmas' I have even had since my Padre died and it was even better because Mia was back where she belongs.

Christmas went fantastic, yes a little awkward because of Ronald but it was happy, I'm happy at just how easy Blaise and Draco seemed to join into our Christmas, it was like they were always there.

Charlie was wary of Draco and Ronald was typical Ronald, annoyed at Blaise for dating me and hated Draco for 'taking Mione away from him and making her hate him' even tho Ronald did that himself. It was weird with our Freddie but we all had fun feeling loved, welcomed and happy.

Molly POV
Draco showed just how far they have come from being that little brat, to be honest, but now I can see he was never truly that child, in his heart, it hurt him to hurt others. Mione has truly helped him to become who he truly is and just the way he looks at her you can tell that he truly and honestly loves her completely.

Blaise is a wonderful man, truly making Ginny happy and that all I want for any of my children to be happy.

This Christmas was hard without Fred but I knew he wanted just to continue to be happy with or without him and we did. Everyone enjoyed this Christmas, even with our hearts slightly heavy due to Fred.

It was a happy, lovely atmosphere to be in this Christmas and everyone benefitted from it.

Fred POV
Seeing everyone having fun and enjoying themselves made me sad but happy, happy that they would not let anything burden Christmas but saddened that I couldn't be apart of it. It was a sight to see. Everyone happy, loved, cared for, caring, kind, loving and helping each other through anything and everything is just how it always has been and always should be.

I could see the hidden said sadness in everyone from my missing presence but I knew they knew that nothing would stop me from loving, caring and watching over them even through my portrait.

Mione POV
Everyone slowly started to head to bed or head home. Blaise and Ginny were just leaving, Draco was waiting for me but I had something I needed to do. I headed over to the portrait of Fred in the Burrow.

"Merry Christmas Freddie, " I said, with tear-filled eyes and a small slightly saddened smile. "Merry Christmas Mione." Fred replied.

I headed downstairs trying not to cry, trying my hardest not to cry and it worked. I managed to hug Molly and Arthur goodbye apparate home but that is where the tears started to fall. "Oh Mia," Dray said, "You went to his portrait and said Merry Christmas, didn't you?" He asked trying to soothe me by holding me close while she stroked through my hair. I nodded as I didn't trust my voice. I hold onto Draco and hard as I can so he can't slip away from me like Freddie did and Draco just let's me. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to our room. I mumble apologise to him but he just shh me and holds me. We fall asleep holding onto each other tightly not wanting to let the other slip away.

I walked up at 4 am and realise I have only had three hours of sleep but I wake Draco and we spend a long while pleasuring each other and worshipping the other.

I know you have probably read the note and I do apologise but I am still struggling with inspiration so if you do have any ideas, questions or feedback please do comment or message me them, because it really does help. Thanks.

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