Chapter Thirty Seven

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This Image is of their dormitory door.

We began to eat that is when... all hell broke lose.

Pansy's eyes glared at me for a while however it started to piss me off is when I asked, "What is the matter, Pansy? That you have to stare at me. It's ANNOYING!"

She seemed to relax slightly but then she spat out,"You married the MUDBLOOD. WHAT IS THE MATTER! You actually MARRIED HER!" I stared at her as I felt my anger rise even more! "Whether or not I have married her IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! AND NEVER I MEAN NEVER CALL HER A MUD... MUD... THAT WORD EVER AGAIN! She is Blaise's sister so she is a PUREBLOOD JUST LIKE YOU! Not that your blood statues should even matter anymore!" I told her seething as I told her never to call her that disgusting, rude and hurtful word ever again. I saw Mia looking at me trying to figure out why she felt me so angry through our bond. I carried on eating while I saw a shocked Pansy, Daphne, Theo, Goyle and a proud Blaise as well as a proud Astoria which confused me slightly, in the corner of my eyes. "You really love her don't you Draco?" Astoria asked, I nodded my head as I finished the mouthful of food and replied, "Of course, I do Tori. She is my other half, without her I would be dead. She makes my life worth living, I couldn't and can't live without her and I am not legally married to her yet but I am in my heart and soul. Like I am her Husband in her heart and soul."

Astoria looked again at me proud and I looked over to Mia and smiled at her as I saw her smiling and giggling with her friends. "I love her so much it hurts." I said and then carried on eating, my food. Theo began asking Blaise if she got any over the summer holiday while I just chuckled because I know he got plenty over the summer with the only person for him. Theo looked at me with curiosity while Blaise gave me a death stare, "What I just found it funny, bro because I know you got plenty!" I said chuckling as Blaise turned slightly red and continued to give me the death stare. Theo's eyes lit up and I know from his eyes his curiosity was going to make him annoy Bay till he gets what he wants. "Who was it, Bro?"

Blaise remained quiet however I knew he was talking to Gin but Theo thought he was just ignoring him. "Blaise who?" He cried getting annoyed that he is being ignored. Blaise finished his conversation only to be hit in the face by an irritated Theo. "Dude! What was that for?" Blaise asked while I chuckled at the two as Astoria giggled at what happened. "You deserve it for ignoring me!" Blaise immediately replied, "I wasn't ignoring you, I was asking her if I could say who she was!" He cried out irritated for getting slapped. "Who was it?"

"Ginny. She is my Mate like Hermione is Draco's." He replied slightly sheepishly. "Wait, Blaise as in Ginny Weasley, my year, Ron's little sister and my friend, Ginny?" Astoria asked excitedly. "Yeah, Ginevra Weasley." He said slightly less nervous. Astoria squealed loudly causing Blaise, Mia and I to cover our ears even though Mia is on another table that is how loud the squeal was, causing at the attention of the Hall onto the three of us. "For Merlin's sake, Tori please don't squeal. We have heightened senses when bonded. So our hearing is so much better than yours. " I said still winching and covering my ears just like Mia and Blaise are. "Sorry, Guys!" She said embarrassed with all the attention on us as well as upset for causing us pain. I yelled at everyone, "Don't you have something else to do than eavesdrop on our conversation!"

Everyone turned back to their dinners except for Mia who glared and asked me 'Why the hell did she even squeal in the first place?' I replied to my slightly irritated and slightly jealous fiance, 'Blaise was informing Theo who he got some with over the summer and Tori asked was it "Ginny Weasley, my year, Ron's little sister and my friend, Ginny" which he replied yes, causing her to squeal.' I felt her jealousy turn to regret and she said 'Sorry Dragon,' which caused me to reply, 'It's fine and you have nothing to apologize about, it is just nature to be jealous and your Veela makes you more likely to be jealous and protective over what is yours, my Angel.' I said hoping to sooth her so she didn't feel regret anymore.

After pudding had came out and was eaten people started to head to bed and the First Years were led out by the prefects. All the Heads stayed behind, however I did wish Tori and Theo a good night before they left as well as Harry a good night too, as we were to be led to the Head's Dormitory by McGonagall. McGonagall came over and said, "Good Evening everyone, I want to thank you for all agreeing to this position and hope you have a great last year, hopefully a quiet year too." Glancing at Hermione, as Mia said, "Professor that's not fair I hardly ever started that, plus most years Harry, Ronald and I didn't always go looking for trouble, it usually found us."

"Using Mr Potter's excuse are we Miss Zabini?" McGonagall asked, however Mia and I saw her small smile on her lips. "Actually Professor, I am and also I definitely love a quiet year, for once but as Harry has already reminded me for the last Seven years they have never been quiet and I think I rather enjoy the challenges we are faced with year after year. It not only strengthened us as people but also it strengthened our friendship and helped us not take the good for granted."
"Well said Miss Zabini. Anyway I will show you to your dormitory however I would first like to say thank you for how hard you thought last year and I know some still have wounds still open from it. Also Well done Blaise and Congratulations to you for finding your mate. Finally, before we head up, Congratulations Draco and Hermione on your engagement, I hope you both have a wonderful marriage and I hope you all have a wonderful relatively quiet last year." We all thanked her and the followed her to our dormitory door.

As we arrived we saw a painting of the four founders on Hogwarts, we stopped in front of them and McGonagall said, "Good evening Godric, Helga, Rowena and Salazar, I am here showing the new Head's to the dorm." She turned to us and stated, "You need to decide on a password together. " Before departing us.

"Good Evening New Heads, what houses are you from?" Godric asked as Rowena just rolled her eyes as Salazar huffed. "I'm from Slytherin and so is Blaise, where as everyone but Luna is Gryffindor and Luna is a Ravenclaw." I replied slightly confused to why he was asking. "Haha, told you I would have more students as heads this year Salazar." Godric boasted whereas Salazar huffed and Rowena rolled her eyes again. Mia giggled slightly which caught the painting's attention, "What is so funny, Little Girl?" Salazar sneered at her. "Sorry you the three of you just kind reminded me of me and my friends. They always try to one up each other and I would just sit there rolling my eyes at them." She turned to us and said, "Any ideas for a password yet guys?" I stood there and thought. "How about Concordia?" Everyone though for a second and then Neville asked "What does it mean?" Luna, Ginny and Mia all giggled at his question and Mia replied, "Oh, Neville. It means Harmony or unity which is a perfect idea specially after the war and we are the perfect example of unity between the houses. OK, so are we alright with Concordia as our password?" Everyone nodded, and agreed so Mia turns back to the painting and said, "We decide the password is going to be Concordia."

Ok hope you all enjoy this second update for the day. Just think of it as an early Christmas Present, as Christmas is coming closer and closer. Please comment or message me you thoughts, feelings and any questions. Thank you.

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