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A long time ago, in the land of Zubu...

The Lord of the Longbow stood on the highest point of the hill, overlooking his burning village. He leaned forward, one hand on his knee the other on his precious bow.

Sharp pain quickly crossed his face the moment he did so. His wound was bleeding again. He knew he needed to rest. He wanted to, but it was simply impossible. Not with the battle before him

As long as the battle waged on he must stand, he convinced himself. But for how long? he thought. He could barely catch his breath after battling the raiders from beyond. But he still had to do something, for no chieftain has ever won a battle by doing nothing. And he desperately needed to win this one. His life depended on it. His whole being. He studied the scene below him, looking for gap or a weakness to exploit and gain the upper hand. But he only saw the black plumes of smoke coming from the blazing huts that rose to touched the gray skies. Farther south, the heavens darkened as the carrion birds circled and swooped down to the dead men below.

He sighed. How could this happen to me? "How could I lose?"

Things were out of his control. And it would only get worse if the storm arrived. He turned his head away in disappointment, placing a palm on the wound on his side to suppress the bleeding. The physical pain was insignificant compared to the pain of defeat. He felt it weigh his heart down like an anchor. He let out a sigh of frustration as light rain fell from the heavens followed by the cold winds from the south of Vijayas. Time was running out for him and he knew it. His pride had to take a much needed rest for now. He grimaced as he raised his carved bow - a signal for them all to retreat.

The Lord of the Longbow gritted his teeth. Will this be my legacy? Surrendering from a fight and running away instead of dying a hero's death? A baganis death?, he asked the wind and the wind only wailed, drowning the hallow screams of his loyal men below.

And there, the seed of despair slowly grew in his heart as each second passed.

All of his remaining men saw his gesture and gathered around him with their implements of war, ready to protect him if things went sour. His aide, who was himself bleeding, bound his master's wound using the scraps of linen that he tore from his own head wrap. There were too few of them, noted the Lord of the Longbow. To few to make a difference and too few to do what needs to be done. He gave a foul curse as the devil raiders from the south made their way towards them with their twin scimitars and barong blades, hacking those who were too slow or those who hindered their path.

All the while his men fell. Some cried in agony while most went down without a sound escaping their mouth. It was a squander of precious lives, he thought. The steep climb didn't slow the devils down too as they ran amok up the side of the hill putting an end to a friend, a brother, and a son. His heart bounced inside his chest. Is this our end? the Lord of the Longbow asked the heavens with teary eyes. And the gray skies answered him with more light flitting rain.

Though their path was slick with mud the devil raiders from the south continued their climb. They neither stopped nor paused as they sliced their way towards him and his men. Nothing would dissuade them from the victory they craved. The Lord of the Longbow's heart sank as he looked his men's eyes. They did not say it but fear had triumphed against them too as they all watch their foes rout and corner them.

THE LAND OF DEVATAS : Bagani Saga PrimerWhere stories live. Discover now