twenty three | old friend |

Start from the beginning

Pari smiled at Siddharth, grabbing the plate before her and pulling it closer to herself. She wanted to eat but ended up just playing with the food which didn't go unnoticed by Siddharth either. He leaned in a little closer whispering in her ears so that the others at the table cannot hear him. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I want to leave actually." Pari said looking at Siddharth tenderly, knowing that maybe her wish will never be granted.

"Let's go then." Siddharth said shocking her

"Really?" Pari asked as a smile crept on her face, beaming like a child.

"Yeah, once you finish your food we can leave immediately." Siddharth said motioning to the plate that laid idle in front of Pari.

Pari swallowed all the food in the plate in nearly one while Siddharth finished his food too and once both of them were done, Siddharth held Pari's hand, helping her out of her seat. They excused themselves from Karan by saying that Pari wasn't feeling well and they headed back home. They both reached their apartment building after a 45 mins ride and Pari invited Siddharth to chill at her place for sometime because she didn't want to be left alone with her thoughts. They were both seated on their couch when he finally asked her. "Want to tell me what's going on?"

"I think I saw an old friend today, from back in Kolkata." Pari said truthfully.

"When and where?" Siddharth asked curiously, straightening himself on the sofa and scooting closer to Pari

"When we were driving to Karan's place, I saw her on the road near the crossing." Pari said putting her head in hers.

"You sure it's her?" Siddharth asked.

"I guess so." Pari said not being entirely sure that she had actually seen Maddy.

"Why don't you call her?" Siddharth asked confused.

"I don't have her number. I lost it after I moved to London." Pari confessed

"Well, look her up on the social media."

Pari looked at him shocked, she had not thought of doing that but here Siddharth was suggesting her something that could definitely give her a lead, this was an effective way to find her and Pari was glad he had thought of it. She was happy that maybe she was going to find her lost friend on there but at the same time she was scared, She was scared of connecting with her past life, or her old friend and of what she might react on her for reaching her after so many year and maybe that's why she was satisfied with not having Maddy's number or a way of contacting her and now the new possibility of actually finding a way to contact her scared the hell out of her.

Siddharth had surely noticed the hesitation in her because he immediately wrapped her into a side hug and told her that it was alright to contact her old friends. Pari finally took her phone out from the bag that she had earlier carried with her, logging into her Facebook, going to the search bar and finally typing her name. She began looking through all the profiles under the same name, until after a few searches, she finally found her profile. She still looked the same from when Pari had left, only aging a little and growing a little petite, her hair was now coloured light brown a piecing adorning her septum and ears. Pari did not send her a friend request, instead she texted her a simple "Hi." knowing very well that it would go to the spam folder and hoping that Maddy wouldn't actually see it.

Pari moved closer to Siddharth and laid in his warm hug, her head on his chest, while he ran his hand gently through her hair. They sat there for a while in each other's arm when Pari heard her phone buzz. They immediately lifted their heads, almost banging them together. Pari could see the glistening hope in Siddharth's eyes and also felt her palpitating heart as she picked up her phone and unlocked the screen.

It was a text from Maddy.


The dress that Pari wore to the dinner hosted by Karan

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The dress that Pari wore to the dinner hosted by Karan.


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