Chapter 2:

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As Harry and Lottie made their way downstairs, the doorbell rang and then came Louis running down the stairs.

Louis knew he would be in trouble if he didn't answer the door straight away so that's why he pushed right through Lottie and Harry. Causing Lottie to land on her butt and Harry tumble down the stairs hitting his head.

"LOUIS WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Lottie screamed as she went to pick Harry up, who was light headed and had a pounding headache.
"What is all this noise about I sw- HARRY oh my god sweetie are you ok!" Jay said as she walked over to the stairs.

Just as Louis reached the door he turned around and saw Harry in pain with his hand on his head struggling to stand up. A wave of guilt passed threw Louis face but then he remembered that Eleanor will be pissed if he doesn't open the door soon, it's been a solid 2 minutes since the doorbell. Louis opens the door as Lottie and jay try to get harry to the dining room.

"What the hell Louis that was 2 minutes! I was in the cold for 2 fricking minutes! Your lucky I'm not breaking up with you!" Eleanor yelled at a broken Louis.

They make their way to the kitchen to see an angry Jay and Lottie and a sad Harry. The sight broke Louis heart, but made Eleanor smile.

Eleanor knew that Harry likes Louis, it was obvious so she tried to make Harry's life miserable because she was with him and he wasn't. The whole family went to go sit at the table after jay got Harry ice for his head.

"Harry. Mate I'm sorry for accidentally pushing you are you ok?"Louis said as he walked up behind Harry and putting a hand on his shoulder.

Harry jumped at the static it caused both of the boys.

"Yeah I'm fine. But maybe you should I don't know ask people to move nicely instead of pushing them."Harry said back in a snappy tone.

His head was killing him so the less talking the better.

"I'm sorry"Louis said before getting pulled away by a mad Eleanor. You could see the hurt in his eyes so Harry sent him a simpatic smile.

The family ate dinner in peace besides Eleanors bitchy comments to Lottie and Harry. As soon as both the friends were done they rushed upstairs. Well more like Lottie dragged Harry upstairs telling him to change into a short-shorts that we're blue and satin, because after they got changed there was a knock on the door.

"Hey I was wondering if you too would watch a movie with me and el?" He asked holding his breathe hoping they will say yes.

"Fine as long as your girlfriend isn't a pain in mine or Harry's asses." Lottie said before grabbing Harry's hand and leading them downstairs.

Louis couldn't help but stare at Harry's ass and legs in the blue shorts. He was mesmerized and knew that the feeling he had should only be showed towards his girlfriend Eleanor who is DOWNSTAIRS!

When Louis came downstairs he saw Harry and Lottie picking out a movie and Eleanor texting. Before he got over to her he could see a glimpse of a guys name. Louis knew she cheats on him  and truth be told. Louis only keeps her around so people don't think Louis is gay.

Lottie puts in a movie and walks in the kitchen to make popcorn. Harry caught Louis staring at him and gave Louis a nice smile back.

Louis quickly put his arm around Eleanor to stop the thoughts he was having about Harry. Lottie soon walks in with 3 one person bowls of popcorn she placed them down and give Eleanor a dirty look.

Louis looks over to see the two cuddle up close.
This is going to be a long night Louis thought.

Ok so I got this book inspiration from someone else and it's kinda similar but I hope it's ok.❤️

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